pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

The Beginning

Well here I am doing an online Diary, or Journal as I prefer to call it. Actually quite alot of my friends have some sort of website going, so I might as well join the masses. Something to do when I can't sleep I suppose.

I figure I will include all kinds of random things for you to read in my online Journal....various writings, my own personal history, ventings if need be....whatever. But tonight I will do an introductory type of entry, something actually inspired by one of my best friends, Jenny. It is my personal list of "20", mostly quirky things about me to get us acquainted. Shall we proceed?

1. I have naturally red hair

2. I prefer Coke over Pepsi

3. I love Jack Russell terriers, and we own two

4. I do not eat seafood

5. I hate clowns, they are scary evil unnatural beings

6. I drive a green Jeep

7. I turned 30 this year

8. My occupation: museum curator/historical interpreter

9. Someone of history I admire: Thomas Jefferson (and I was employed at his home, Monticello)

10.I can never resist buying books

11.My favourite holiday is Halloween

12.I want to buy an 18th century house and turn it into a B&B

13.My husband and I met at a Barnes and Noble bookstore

14.I have a definite phobia of germs and am described as a "clean-freak"

15.I can speak Irish, German and Latin

16.I am currently acting out "Mission Impossible" when entering or leaving my car to avoid the neighbours next door

17.I prefer 18th century clothing to modern clothing

18.I was once a shoemaker

19.I wish I'd have become an artist (instead it is now just a "hobby")

20.When I was 15 I thought "pelican reasoning" would be a cool name for a band

Below is a photo of myself and John Callahan in work performing a rifle demo at Ft. Wool Virginia (1997) (by the way, I am the short one!)

:: 10:04 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets