pelican reasoning
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on the topic of goats.....

27 June 2003
Right, so this morning I was awoken to sounds of SP's (military police) talking back and forth on radios and speaking loudly with the neighbours about some sort of incident. I wouldn't have minded so much but it was before 7am and I was very bold by staying up far too late to read Harry Potter. Needless to say, the Jacks were growling and barking at the window towards the sounds of reports being taken outside, so I gave up on the sleep thing and got out of bed. I never saw what exactly had happened or found out what occurred to bring the police around. The joys of living in such close proximity to others. I am hoping the new place back East is a bit more spread out.

Every time I moved around last night whilst sleeping I could feel a headache becoming worse and worse. So my breakfast consisted of two Imetrex tablets. OK, not really, I made pancakes once Clare woke up.

Greg is in the midst of working five night shifts in a row. Apparently they are severely short staffed at his work but still decided it was just dandy to give everyone all the June and July holidays they requested. Which results in him being back on crew working incredibly long hours and us being on our own here at home. After tonight he only has Saturday and Sunday nights then can recover a bit Monday morning with a nap before we decide what to do to celebrate Clare's sixth birthday. We were wanting to go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo but that will depend entirely on the weather. It is on the side of a mountain, so if it is lightning and thundering or on the other hand, if the sun is out and boiling, I guess we shall skip that. (We heard it is a lot of walking, erm hiking, and that doesn't sound like too much fun in boiling hot temps) The other options include going to the cinema (yikes, I have not been for years!) to see "Finding Nemo", and I know she really wants to play miniature golf- but again, that would have to wait till evening when the temps get a bit cooler. Nothing worse than a couple of translucent Irish girls getting burnt to a crisp outside. (Greg is actually pretty pale too, so he would be a lovely shade of magenta as well)

Speaking of Clare's birthday, her grandparents sent a box full o'prizes this week which arrived today. She promptly tore into the box to find some really cool gifts. Disney shirts with Tinkerbelle on the fronts, a really really nifty Jessie the cowgirl (from Toy Story 2) outfit, a Candy Cane Nutcracker Suite Barbie, a Disney Ariel the mermaid and seahorse set, a sequined Tinkerbelle purse, earrings, and my favourite, the Princess of Ireland Barbie. I am not a huge fan of Barbie but really like the Princess of Ireland. I think I will have to get one for myself as well.

So anyhow, she made out for her birthday and it's not even here yet.

I got a brilliant birthday card yesterday from Anna, and the best has a goat on the cover. I love goats. I have no idea why, but whenever there are goats in the general vicinity of myself, I go mad. I'd love a goat. Goats, Jack Russells, bees and crabs. I have a very odd assortment of collectibles, let me tell you.

Today I wanted to trim back some of my plants and shrubs outside but I simply could not bear the sun. (I plan to dig up my finer plants/herbs and bring them via Jeep to Virginia for safe-keeping at my Mum's house till we get our house sorted in Delaware. I worked hard at my garden here in Colorado, going from dry dry dirt and rocks to lush soil and plants/herbs, so I refuse to leave the good stuff behind!) Anyway, I know everyone back in Virginia are drowning in the humidity and high temperatures and in reality it is only about 75 or so here. But this dry heat mixed with the sun being much closer here in the mountains�I will gladly trade for some humidity anytime. At any rate, I tried to get out for a bit earlier, but just could not bear it. To top it off the dogs were conspiring and trying to dig holes in our lovely green grass, so I figured I'd bring them in and bathe them. For the second time this week. I might try to go back out and do the plant/shrub trimming later this evening.

Well, seeing how it's about dinnertime around this house I better get some food in Clare so we can spend the remaining bits of the evening messing about in the yard. I am sure it will be another long night�I really want to get that book finished!

:: 6:51 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets