pelican reasoning
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birthdays galore

22 January 2004
Happy Birthday wishes must go out to Jim, Clare's Godfather! He, too, is thirty-something and I hope he and Anna have a fabulous night of birthday fun~ minus any clowns, of course. And no dead bodies being found remotely near any area(s) they choose to celebrate at.

Speaking of birthdays, last Thursday, our Jack Russell son Reilly turned 3 years old. Along with his brother Spud and sister Corky in Virginia. Spud and Corky can be seen here below:

To celebrate, we took him out to PetsMart to pick out a birthday prize. Call us crazy, but our Jack Russells are very much members of our family, and very much like our children.

To be fair we also took Aoife. I was hesitant to take her since she is a little on the "aggressive" side, and the last time she was in a PetsMart was in Colorado, many many many months ago. She behaved very well, and thankfully did not bite off any hands that were put towards her to give a few pats on the head.

It must have been some sight to behold, what with Aoife dragging me through the store, Reilly dragging Greg through the store and Clare holding all of the items. So it was quite the family outing.

Reilly shopping in PetsMart

Speaking of family and doggies, the other night I opened a package of Oreos; suddenly Clare and Aoife were dancing around at my feet literally begging for one. It was humourous, so we had to take a photo.

And on that note, I am going to bed~

:: 12:15 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets