pelican reasoning
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arch nemesis: the tree; and other thoughts

06 May 2004
My arch nemesis for the moment has begun to shed it's pink petals all over the back yard. The subject in particular is this tree that produced copious amounts of pollen about two weeks ago and wrecked havoc on mine and Clare's allergies and sinuses. Even the dogs were sneezing everytime they went out back or the door was opened. Greg somehow was lucky and managed to escape the wrath of "uber evil pollen tree".

Last weekend was a fun time had by all and the weather was decent for Saturday. We had Stephanie, my old friend from junior high school up for a visit, and good old Dover Days (or should I say Day, as it was a one day fiesta of goodness as opposed to an entire weekend) was in full force. Plenty of people watching was shared by us and there were alot of, shall we say, interesting "crafts" for sale. We did a quick tour of the historic Episcopal Church and saw numerous rescued Greyhounds at their booth (they are so sleek and glamourous looking, I'd love to have a Greyhound), and even met a few rescued Bassett Hounds which Greg was oogling. Of course we did eat the obligatory "bad food", so we got more than our share of funnel cake coated with about five inches of powdered sugar and lots of hand cut chips (fries). Eventually wound up at the Johnson Victrola Museum which is a small gem in itself here. I'd been meaning to pay a visit to it for quite some time and were glad we finally did. They played some 78's on a few period Victrolas for us, including some jaunty Foxtrots.

Sunday the weather was dreary and rainy so we all got sucked into watching the movie, "The Ring" on HBO. It was truly creepy and disturbing to no end. After the usual analysation of the film, Stephanie had to make treks back to Virginia and I spent the evening listening to all of the sounds your house normally makes but this time wondering what each and every noise was exactly since images from that movie continually played in my head.

And on to this week which has been a whirlwind of school and an emotionally charged six and a half year old (the full moon does it every time). By tomorrow I hope things can wind down nicely and culminate into a lovely Mother's Day Weekend. We don't have too much on the agenda...parents coming up on Saturday and if the weather holds out, a picnic on that afternoon. I plan to make a New York Style cheesecake for Sunday along with a London Broil, so it will all be a kind of quaint affair. We are fastly approaching the time of year that is jammed packed with celebrations...we have my mother's birthday in a week, my Godson Addison is also turning two, then Aoife turns two, mine and Clare's birthdays after that, Greg's birthday and then we will be seeing my second oldest friend (after Stephanie), Jenny, when she and her husband Stephan come out to the east coast for a wedding. I have not seen her since we were 14! By September we have our wedding anniversary, then the countdown to the holidays begin. Well it will keep us busy anyhow.

I'll leave this at that with a couple pictures....Stephanie and myself and an ultra adorable one of Greg and Clare.

:: 11:38 a.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets