pelican reasoning
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20 August 2004
So this weekend will be filled with the joys of moving, yet again. I worked out finances and it just seems like it would be a struggle to stay where we are, seeing how we now have to pay full tuition for Clare's school. How come Catholic schools are so expensive?? We were informed we moved here too late to apply for financial aid, but were then told gleefully we may apply in May for next year. Wonderful. So an extra $400 a month goes to school expenses. And we get to move into a much tinier place. In the long run we can muddle through, we will be saving money and the more we save the more we will have towards buying our own house in the not-too-distant-future, I suppose.

At any rate, the new place is literally two blocks up the road therefore it will be an easier move. We won't have to obsessively pack items *just so*. The weekend will be insane, I know, and then I go to work Monday and Tuesday. Clare goes to school Thursday; things are moving on quite quickly. Bad news is Adelphia says they can't get out until the 30th to turn on our cable/internet. So I will be silent for about a week unless there is a miracle cancellation.

:: 9:51 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets