pelican reasoning
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election, election, election

03 November 2004
Good grief, I knew it was going to be another 2000, in terms of counting and re-counting, and squabbling over votes. Maybe we will find out who the winner is sooner rather than later, and this time perhaps by today.

I know some of you reading are Bush supporters, and that's fine. It's a free country. Even though I was not thrilled with either candidate, I had to hope that health-care issues would be tackled eventually by the Democratic party. I have seen negative, rather than positive changes in health care within the last four years, especially for those of us with major health issues and very little money. I also support stem-cell research, as it would be beneficial for those of us with off-the-wall, rare diseases.

And, of course, the "War", well I cannot whole-heartedly agree with that mess and think it is just that~ a mess.

So if I lose some readers for being too "liberal minded", well, life goes on, doesn't it

:: 8:30 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets