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post-thanksgiving thoughts

30 November 2004
The last week or so has been filled with much scurrying around in many different directions. There has been heaps going on, moreso than usual it seems, but I think we are nearing calmer waters, if for a bit, anyway.

The days leading up to the Great American November Holiday were frantic. So much going on with Clare's school... the museum... Greg's work. I was also in the process of applying for a position at another museum. I was called and told I had to come up with a mini-camp programme idea within twenty-four hours. Which I did, then decided to take the whole process one step further and actually write out the entire programme...then I went ahead and made the items which the children would make if they were signed up for this mini-camp. I chose Pirates as the theme, since I am knowledgable in the areas of the 17th and 18th centuries, period sea vessels and various other topics attached to such a theme. It was great fun, but stressful that I had less than twenty four hours to get this thing together in order to present during my interview.

And present I did. I found out yesterday I got the job, so now I am Director of School and Public programmes.Although I'm not sure who I am to be "directing" as such, since it is such a small museum, I am basically it for school and public programmes.

I am still affiliated with the other museum though, there are still certain things they want me to keep my hands in, so to speak, so I can do that on the side.

Anyway, the entire process of applying for this job was the stressful bits. Greg may be going through a job change himself, which I won't mention just yet, but if it does go through, let's just say in about six months we *should* be debt free. Finally.

For Thanksgiving we made the trek to my parent's house, and although it was a quiet holiday, it was alot of fun and time well spent. My mother and I prepared the foods and I must admit, this year it seemed even better than usual. Down side was the fact Clare had been sick all last week and had to be put on anti-biotics, therefore Greg and I picked up the germ as by Thursday we were not feeling that wonderful.

Friday morning I was throwing up. Unusual for me, so I blamed it on some anti-biotics I took. My mother and I ventured out later into the sea of shoppers ~ which, in reality, wasn't that bad seeing how we didn't go out till after 2pm. By the time we arrived back at the house, Greg was having his turn throwing up. Lovely. I wrangled the dogs and the sick husband into the Jeep and drove them home. Clare got to have two nights with my parents so her parents in turn could try to recouperate.

By Sunday we were more or less on the mend, nevermind some congestion and coughing, so we were able to attend a birthday party being held at the ice skating rink. Another first grader was turning seven so both classes from school were pretty much in attendance. I had not been ice skating for numerous years, but went out there with Clare nonetheless. Greg got some photos which might be a bit blurry but I can post those on here later on.

Happy to report, no broken bones were suffered by neither Clare nor myself, so we are planning another ice skating adventure sometime very soon.

:: 8:25 a.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets