pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

we are still young at heart....

16 December 2004

Below is a photo from a group of friends that used to hang out together in the 1980's, many many moons ago. Although we are all thirty-something these days, and perhaps older and wiser than we once were, we are still that mad group of teenagers deep down inside.
Weird that the last time I was with all these guys in one room I was about seventeen years old, unmarried and childless!
Speaking of the daughter, Clare idolizes Patrick, for his clever Monkeyoke portion of one of his sites. She stumbled across it some time ago and has the page bookmarked under her favourites. She was truly star-struck at finally seeing Patrick face to face.
What fun it was to take a walk through memory lane.

~ jeff, ande, clare, patrick, scott and in the back, there's dave and mike~

Besides the short reprieve during the outing in Scottsville on Sunday, we have been pretty much non-stop. Clare has been tired out from school and freezing temps, I am tired out from learning the ropes at the new place of employment, Greg is tired from early hours of going into work and dealing with the finicky 1980's BMW which likes to not start when it has been a particularly cold night (darn that battery)....I have gotten in bed no earlier than midnight every night for the last three weeks. It seems things are piling on top of one another seeing how we have hardly been home especially this week ~ we have had numerous errands, a school play, and several other things to keep us straying from our normal schedule. Which is why I am in bed later and later each night, appeasing my compulsive cleaning habits and ensuring every little thing is in it's very place before I can let myself go to bed. Well, at least everything is neat and clean!

This weekend should be interesting. We are heading to the great metropolis of R-Town to stay with the parents. We have a festive event to attend Saturday evening and want to make stops to see our Godchildren to boot, AND we hope to make our rounds to a few of you out there at some point!

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before these :: crowded streets