pelican reasoning
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bad karma?

20 January 2005
It seems that this week has been filled with far too much rushing around and definitely too many �unfortunate� incidents, if you will. Nothing drastic or melancholy, just little tiny annoying things which have built up to a completely overwhelming feeling of bad karma.

I have been busy enough at work, organising this event for March which is going to appear bigger than life as far as small-museum-sponsored-events go. Farming is the theme and so far I have fourteen exhibitors who have committed. My goal is twenty-five to thirty, but I still have time to get that sorted.

Aside from work we have been en route back and forth taking Greg to the Police Academy (he is enjoying it), which sits a solid forty minutes away. Not that bad of a drive actually, but not incredibly entertaining to wake up by 4.30am, in turn waking a sleeping seven year old. Last week he spent Monday and Wednesday nights there, and the rest of the time we were carting him back and forth. By the weekend he got a battery for the non-working car, which did the trick. But then our happiness was short lived when we realised the heater was on the fritz. So he was literally frozen going to and from Monday and swore he would not be driving it again until the heater was repaired. Which means only two things�we drive back and forth every day or at least every few days while he spends a few nights at the Academy during the weeks until that heater is fixed. Which, mind you, he had no choice on last night and tonight. We may have had only a dusting of snow yesterday, but who knows what tonight will bring, and ice, especially, can be quite treacherous at the crack of dawn. Better Clare and I not risk it. He will be home tomorrow night anyhow since it�s the weekend, and maybe we can check into that heater.

So, aside from being interminably busy and fatigued, I am dealing with a very sick doggie. Reilly has had bouts of diarrhea since Sunday evening. We thought at first it was related to the fact we let him party just a little too much on Saturday for his birthday with the consumption of human food. But when it continued through Monday, and Monday night, through Tuesday morning and in his crate Tuesday afternoon (yuck) and on into Wednesday with another crate incident to discover when we got home that afternoon� I am thinking it must be some sort of bug. I did switch their food (gradually) to Iams recently, but Aoife seems fine. We usually feed them NutroMax which is a top-of-the-line-expensive-gourmet doggie food. However, the coveted food is hard to find here with no PetsMart within a sixty mile radius ~ we do collect it when we visit the parents since they have a local PetsMart. Anyhow, the real fun began at 11pm last night when Reilly woke me up begging to be brought outside, and this hourly Carnival of Explosions proceeded to commence on every hour� all night long. Clare slept right though it (lucky her) and I am a walking zombie left on auto-pilot at this point in time. Poor Reilly, though. Yesterday it was so bad in his crate when Clare and I walked in, I had to get him in a hot bath immediately, then bleach out the crate and the blankets to disinfect. All this and I was still in my coat and scarf. No time to waste when there is a sick doggie and a huge mess.

After stumbling out of bed this morning on too little sleep, I managed to lose a contact lens after I thought I had put it into my eye. Which greatly upset me since number one, it�s a brand new pair I had opened not even three days ago and number two�it�s my last pair! The optometry office wouldn�t open till 10am, and I had to be in work by 8.30am this morning for our weekly Staff Meeting. Luckily, I found the lost contact about 10 minutes later camouflaged on the bathroom counter. So maybe the bad karma isn�t that bad.

Lots of driving to and from, work stuff, weather too insanely cold and doggie diarrhea makes up this corner of the world today!

:: 4:53 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets