pelican reasoning
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communing with nature

14 June 2005
So the communing with nature aspect of this relocation is not going smoothly right about now. Since we moved out in the country, we have discovered quite a few things. Below is my list of "Things We Have Learned So Far Out In The Country" :

1. Gnats multiply by the thousands when you have a light on at night. And apparently they are magicians as we cannot figure out how they are getting into the house with closed windows.

2. Well water has *interesting* water pressure in the shower. Basically, it is awful.

3. When you have rabbit ears on the television out this way, you get two and a half channels.

4. The next door neighbours ~in our case, Angus Steer~ like to stop what they are doing, gather in a semi-circle and stare at you if you happen to be outside.

5. Brown Recluse spiders tend to be fairly sneaky.

6. Window unit air conditioners are quite loud.

7. Dial up internet connections are not that much fun when you are spolied by faster types of services.

8. You have to get up really early in order to get yourself and your family ready when you must be somewhere in the morning.

9. There are alot of vultures (and roadkill) out here!

And lastly....

10. When you are standing in the bathroom first thing in the morning, it is actually the age of the house, not lack of sleep, which is making the floor lean.

Yep, things are pretty interesting out here. It is quiet. And is it ever dark at night. We also have this frog which is determined to get into the house at all costs. He was successful two nights ago. But we quickly managed to hunt him down, catch him, and take him back outside.

On a different note, I was completely frustrated last week when we could not connect to the internet. I installed the dial-up disk but the computer refused to cooperate. After about four hours on the phone with some Indian techs over at Earthlink, and numerous promises that they had the precise answer to the problem, I gave up. I eventually found a computer consultant in the phone book and he came here today to sort it all out. Two hours and a fair amount of money later, the computer was devoid of spyware which had infiltrated it and all error messages had vanished. Now Earthlink dial-up works wonderfully, albeit a bit slow. I am, of course, spoiled by our previous DSL and Broadband connections.

Trying to plan a cook-out for either the 25th or 26th. We figured we would settle on the weekend between mine and Clare's birthdays. The following weekend after that is just before Fourth of July, and we know alot of folks would be out of town. So *hopefully* we will see many of you whom we know very, very soon. I still can't get over the fact that Clare will be 8. Wow. She is growing up quickly. Aoife, our little female Jack Russell, turned three years old on Saturday. The usual cupcakes were in order for that celebration.

Speaking of birthdays, Anna pointed out I will be celebrating my "Jesus Birthday", what with turning 33 and all. 33. I am looking forward to a twin numbered birthday.

Clearly, these days it's not taking much to amuse me!

:: 12:54 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets