pelican reasoning
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More Doctor's Rubbish...and introducing BS#E

Well here it is a week later and what do I have to say for myself? Not a whole lot really. Made another trip to the all brilliant National Jewish Research centre on Tuesday for my wonderful "follow up " appointment. Luckily I didn't have to give out to anyone there for their sheer and utter rudeness....maybe I just wasn't feeling well, maybe I was just ignoring it. Who knows. However the doctors again addressed only my sinus problems, proclaiming their all knowing education by saying "you have chronic fungal sinusitis!!", looking quite pleased with themselves as tho they had delivered some shell shocking news upon me. I replied with "Oh really, yes I suppose this is precisely WHY I have had 4 previous sinus surgeries??". My God. They are just pure genius down there. The only good they did was give me some medications for fybromyalgia which I have been on for 2 days and therefore sending me into a truly zombified state. Apparently it takes some time getting adjusted. So I see them back in 3 months and well, hopefully we will be moving and we will not be here in 3 months. So that was that. I see the doctor in charge of Immunology over at the University physicians in Denver at the end of the month, maybe he will be interested in the true problem at hand: my bone marrow!

As for my freak neighbours, seems as tho they have been hiding inside alot. Temps are in the mid 50's to 60's during the day, so I suppose it is far "too cold" for them. I know daycare woman (TH#F) had her 8 hour, yes folks 8 HOUR scrap-booking party on saturday last. All I can say is the few people who actually turned up looked about as trashy as Herself over there. They took many cigarette breaks thru out the course of the day and they all looked like they could use a good scubbing in an outdoor bath.But the world must be full of trashy people if trashy people actually have friends, therefore my conclusion is they must all be living in similar conditions. The mere thought makes me feel quite ill. But like I said, I am a clean freak, nothing wrong with that at all.

Now for the ones immediately next door from me, we shall name them BS#E.....they do hide inside quite alot like a den of vampires.Except when they are leering out the patio door, ready to pounce upon us to inflict us with tales of woe from their everyday life...which of course consists of hiding out inside. Which is fine, but kids need to get out and do SOMETHING and by the looks of their kids (aged 10 and 12??) they could certainly use some exercise. Plus they are home schooled, which I do not advocate considering their situation has seemed to ruin them in terms of common sense and social skils, both of which they are lacking. I am so kind aren't I? Yes I AM home schooling our 5 year old because I was told if she goes to school, she will bring home every germ in the book to me and my horrible immune system which can't handle a thing.(Which we found out while she attended Montessori in Ireland, I was constantly sick, now we know why....) So this is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black indeed, but this is a situation which will be temporary. Then off she goes to Catholic school! But I am digressing of course.

The woman next door, I think, home schools to get out of work. And she also has asked me to do her lesson plans, teach her kids Latin, etc etc. Sorry, not going to happen. I have plenty on my plate besides worrying with some lazy person's children. Not to mention the germs they would be bringing along with them. NO WAY. During warmer weather whenever I was out gardening she would loom over me, her huge shadow hanging there as she gibbered on about nothing or her non-existent illnesses, etc. Now it is too chilly to garden, not to mention we are on severe water restrictions, so at least that keeps me out of harm's way for a bit. However, yesterday I went out at 6pm to check the post which requres me walking to the middle of the cul-de-sac, just in front of their house. Armed with two jack russells and a five year old did not deter her one bit, she had to waddle out to see what all the latest news was and she heard I was having surgery. Yes as a matter of fact I am, a consultation will be coming up on 7th Nov for a hysterectomy. Fun stuff indeed. Anyhow, she went on and on about hers this past summer (she had no problems, just wanted one for the attention) and then had the nerve to ask me if I was on new medications...I said yes, for fybromyalgia. She said "well does it make you gain weight? your face is really big, you look like you're fat." OK this is coming from the woman who claims she is a size 14 when in fact she is most likely at least 7 sizes bigger. I retorted with "It is from the steroids, I am on a 20 day course, and yes I have gained a bit and boy do I feel MISERABLE, I could not imagine being any bigger than my normal size!". Geez. Well it shut her up. I am small framed and it always seems larger people have some smart comment to make towards me and my size. Frankly I am tired of it. I am 110 pounds, and am about 5'2. That is completely normal, but apparently in this country filled with all-you-can-eat buffets and take away foods filled with nothing but fat, it makes you to be some sort of anorexic freak if you don't look like everyone else. And anyone who knows me KNOWS I eat and can outeat most. So quit slagging me about my size!

Anyhow she bantered on about some such nonsense, how she just cannot home school her kids (is this a desperate plea to make me feel guilty and I will do it for her?) and she feels terrible off her chronic fatigue syndrome. Not to mention cannot clean her house. (Well by the looks of it, I seriously doubt cleaning her house was ever an issue as it is filthy.) Anyhow, if she did have CFS, she would be on some serious medications. So I tuned her out as the dogs wrapped their leashes around my legs in a big tangled knot and my daughter ran circles around me like she has been caged up for years on end...dispelling all energy and some of mine by just spectating! BS#E finished up her whatever and said "Oh it's FREEZING...time to go inside." Relieved I sent a prayer up to the Virgin Mary for letting the neighbour finally end the chit chat (which was maybe 10 minutes but seemed like an eternity)and ran inside to the safety of my home.Until the next time she is ready hunt me down if I go collect my post, or get out of my Jeep or take the dogs out,whatever. The joys of living on an Air Force base where everyone seems to be living right on top of you, knowing your every move.....really bloody annoying if you ask me!

:: 10:40 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets