pelican reasoning
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Reports from Snowland

So, last night it began snowing here in Colorado Springs. Lovely. Not even Halloween yet. It continued through most of today, a very light, misty type snowfall. But enough to make it quite cold outside and needing to keep the heat on inside. Nice hot cocoa weather at any rate.

Casey and Greyson have asked me to be the Godmother of their son Addison. Casey is one of my best friends in Virginia, we worked in Colonial Williamsburg together eons ago. Needless to say I am quite thrilled with the mere thought...another child to spoil indeed. And is he ever adorable.I stopped by the church here yesterday to find out when I can attend the next christening prep course, which will basically be the same thing I attended before my own daughter's christening, but that way I will be good and qualified to hold the title of godmother. The big event is not until December, and I am so looking forward to it. Here's hoping that we get moved a little closer between now and then. So the course should be taking place on the evening of 12th November. I try to attend Mass each weekend, that way no guilt piles up too,only messing.... so I should be in good standing with the Catholic church anyhow.

On other news fronts....more shootings from mystery sniper person (or persons) in the Virginia area. The Saturday night shooting was actually 4 miles from my Mother's home, so that was scary. Everyone seems to be on edge in that part of the world, and with good reason. But I wish the news would quit monopolising on it, it is only making the killer happier the more media he or she receives. I'm sure it is a he, but it IS possible it COULD be a her....I think that would be an interesting twist to the enitre saga.

Since the cold weather has hit this area, no freak neighbour sightings or updates. They all seem to hate the cold, so are currently hiding inside. Although over the weekend, my husband saw the dad next door over at BS#E actually spraying the contents of a windex bottle onto their glass patio doors...which have been caked with fingerprints and dog snout marks since we moved in. It took quite alot of scrubbing but it looked a bit better when done. Not clean, mind you, just a bit better. The cold doesn't seem to motivate that family to move their two labs indoors, they are still tied together, in turn chained to a doghouse, outside...longingly looking in through the glass door and hoping they will be brought inside. I think the entire situation is really sad.

Our dogs, on the other hand, are inside, spoiled rotten, and loving it. Aoife, the 4 month old female Jack, loves taunting Reilly, the nearly 2 year old Jack, with one of those twisty ropes they can chew on.(it also has baking soda and flouride in it, allegedly boasted the tag when we bought it, so it should help their addition to the nightly brushings!) She will hop up on the ottoman and dangle it over his head, then snap and snarl if he tries to take it, then they have a huge tug-of-war over it for ages. In due time my daughter will meander over and get right in the middle of it, screeching their names, dancing and hopping around and trying her best to get the rope from them. As you can see, my life is often a three ring circus. Minus the clowns, of course!

There is the little guy himself, Mr. Addison Fellows, my Godson!

:: 5:10 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets