pelican reasoning
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Sunday Hypocrites

This morning turned from a windy day , the blue skies filled with fluffy white clouds, into a cold, grey, rainy day. I am not complaining though, I love the rain and we certainly don't see enough of it here in Colorado.

Today was also one of those "power clean" days for me. Interpretation: My usual cleaning with the added zest of rearranging of my habits. Well, every home needs a new look now and again(or once every 4 weeks in my case), plus moving everything around helps you clean underneath those spaces better.

First thing I noticed today was across the street. The cluster "mayor" (as he so doesn't deserve the title) had the whole family out there under the artful direction of his loud-mouthed wife. She is always just so...LOUD. She was directing everyone how to cut up big black bin liners and tape the rectangles up on the carport walls, and up around the front door and window. I am not exactly sure what Halloween effect they were striving for, but it looked really poor to me. Not to mention the tape probably won't hold anyhow. So alot of unneccesary noise coming from that lot over there. By the way, those of you who don't live on a base, the "mayor" is a designated person in a neighbourhood cluster who is supposed to solve any neighbourhood problems, help people out, enforce rules. etc. None of which this man is ever motivated to do. I know this personally as the very young couple next door used to be SO loud all the time, (they still are, just not as bad) and I had had enough one evening and called the mayor. If I can't sleep why should he? And he came over and basically yelled at ME for bothering him. Sorry, that's what he is there to do. Again, stupid people.

And I also notice that our lovely neighbours next door over at "the Cave" have still been keeping their big Labs outside 24 hours a day, regardless of the fact it has been in the low 20's and teens the past week or so at night. I think they seriously should be reported, neglecting pets in that manner. Not to mention those dogs are big, and they need alot of space to run around in, not to be tied up, together, to a doghouse. In the cold. Mind you, these are the ultra christian people who "homeschool" their kids for religious reasons, in the "baptist" way they said. If they can have two satellite dishes ("one for regular tv, the other for the good christian shows" the dad told my husband one day...lovely)then they should look after their dogs too. They are hypocrites.

They also seem to have that inbred quality about them , thinking that being Baptists is the only Christian religion. I found this out one evening this past summer. I saw firetrucks encircling our neighbourhood, and in a panic I had to run out to make sure it was not our neighbours attached to us having a fire. (we panic easily about fires these days, our house 4 blocks over was burnt down in February thanks to our neighbour and her cigarettes) So out Clare and I run, to see what was going on. In the end it was someone who had reported sparks shooting from a nearby light post, not very interesting but boy was I thankful. So here is BS#E, the entire slew of them, of course, standing in my driveway. Somehow the topic of conversation turned to them being "totally Christian because we are Baptists!". I made a comment about Catholics are Christians as well, not some group of pagan-heathen-like cult members. The dad said something along the lines of "Well I never knew any Catholics before, except a co-worker once." He went on to say he actually attended Mass with the co-worker (hmm, he is still alive, not struck down by his Baptist God) and continued to banter about how it was "weird" and "strange" and there was way too much getting up and sitting down. This was about as much as I could take, not that I am a super religious person, but that is plain rude to basically insult someone like that. To their face. So before I started throwing punches, I found an excuse to get inside. Big Irish temper of mine. So everyone says.

I think it is weird that every Baptist I have come across, in school, at work, etc feels the need to "convert" you once they find out you are Catholic. "Come to our church, come to our church dinner, come to our prayer meetings"....and they are adament about it, asking once is enough! I wonder, do their ministers give them little talley cards at the beginning of every new year, to keep track of points they get for every Catholic they convert? I am starting to believe this. Maybe if they collect enough points for each year's quarter, they win prizes, like a microwave, or toaster...maybe even a trip to the Bahamas.

Maybe if BS#E moves out before us (we couldn't be so lucky) in their heap of rubbish that will surely be left behind, we will fine a stack of those talley cards and a big frowny face under our name since they didn't succeed at converting us. Well better luck to the next "weird-o Catholic" they come across.

:: 3:54 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets