pelican reasoning
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Losing a Best Friend

I am truly at a loss for words today. I found out this morning that one of my very best friends for the last 11 years, passed away this weekend. It was sudden, unexpected....a terrible shock. And there is not one thing I can do about it, seeing how the funeral is tomorrow in Virginia and here I am stuck in Colorado. If only I had known sooner, I would have driven the 34 hours to get there. It would have been worth it to pay my respects to a great guy, someone with whom I shared my most secret secrets and loved very much. The worst thing is that he was only 34.

Update on 5th November: My mother went to the wake. So at least I got to hear from her how that was.

And then one of my other best friends, Anna and her husband Jim attended the funeral, so I was able to get details on that as well.

I will certainly miss you, Donald.

:: 11:15 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets