pelican reasoning
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Happy Advent!

Happy first day of Advent... and with December comes the onslought of the holiday season officially begun: full of insane shoppers, grumpy cashiers, houses decorated in many lights, children awaiting the gifts from Santa, winter, cards coming in from people we haven't talked to for ages and last minute everything. And only 24 days of it left.

I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a nice holiday. We had a turkey with usual trimmings, my very first one cooked in a modern oven. Every other time I have had to prepare a turkey it occured in work, at various museums, over an open fire in every aspect of the 18th century. But making one at home wasn't too bad, I am not a big meat eater so had a rough time with the raw bird, but my husband graciously scooped out the innards before I popped the meat into the oven. He offered to make an open fire pit out back for me, I have the 18th century clothing to make that task even more authentic, but I doubt base housing would appreciate us digging a pit on their property. So we skipped out this time around!

We had to go into the Mall saturday evening for a few items, I really dislike shopping, especially in crowds. The trip was quick and painless which was even better. We have avoided all of the holiday shopping thus far, right now for lack of funds, so any shopping for the holiday on our part will have to take place next payday. Which isn't so bad, mainly just shopping for child and dogs.

I have yet to address, sign, let alone open the christmas cards. I don't think I am much in the mood lately so am really procrastinating. Very much unlike me, I am always proficient and organised. Oh well. I will get around to it.

I had to make a homemade Advent candle wreath as mine seems to either have been devoured by our house or lost in the fire. At any rate I had to go to the arts and craft store for the supplies, either that or buy a premade one for $26 at the "All Things Catholic" shop. First candle we lit this evening: Hope. I said, "well my hope is for us getting the hell out of here as soon as possible." I said it out loud, in hopes that God did actually hear me and may push things along quickly so we can indeed move.

Not exactly what I am supposed to be meditating on for Advent, but hey, it's worth a shot.

:: 11:33 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets