pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web


Uninspired. Yep, you could say that. It's hard to do an entry here when there is nothing, not one single interesting thing happening. Or anyone/anything to complain about! My hectic life consisting of not enough hours in the day has certainly taken a downward spiral into boring-land since we have been in Colorado the last year and one month and 19 days. I really am keeping precise track of exactly how long we have been here, eh?

In the news of my world, things have been relatively quiet. As usual, ignoring doctor's orders and doing whatever I feel needs tending to around my house, that's the hyper compulsive cleaner in me I suppose. We have had a bit of snow recently, at least enough to where I am beginning to think we need to send the Jack Russells outside with miniature shovels to dig some tunnels when they need a bathroom break. Seems a lot of it started to melt off today, but supposedly there is more in the forecast tomorrow. If you believe the forecasters that is.

My mother had been out for the month of January to help out around here while I recovered from surgery. So that was a pleasant diversion, especially since January is my most hated seems to drag by endlessly. But this time around it was quick and over in a flash. Which is a good thing. I also received news from my specialist in Denver at the University of Colorado that they finally have made some new diagnosis as far as my bone marrow/immune system problems go. Even better. This means he wants me to be seen by some top doctors in the Washington, DC area. They will proceed with some more specialised tests and begin some treatment also. This is brilliant news, seeing how we have to actually move out of Colorado and relocate to the great metropolis of DC. This is exciting. After they get me feeling better, I plan to scout out the museums and get back to work. I think that alone will make me feel a billion times better. And we will have an abundance of parochial schools to choose from for Clare. When she gets back into the swing of school life, I think she will be pleased. I'm sure it is not that exciting for a five year old to be home schooled by her mother and stuck playing with her parents all of the time. She very much enjoyed being in school in Ireland, so being around other children will do her a world of good I think. Now with the news of moving comes the anxiety part....the sooner the better. Waiting for all of the paperwork to be completed and the transfer to be made cannot be soon enough for us. I really and truly have felt totally exiled out here, getting back to not only civilisation but practically everyone we know will be the absolute best.

I actually miss the rudeness of people in the Virginia area, the traffic, the interstate, the museums, my friends and family, the history....Colorado is not filled with the most exciting history known to man. (The museums out here are fairly nonexistent. At least in Colorado Springs.) I miss all the bakeries, the specialty shops, the lower petrol prices, even the heat and humidity of a Virginia summer. And air conditioning....noone seems to have air conditioning out here. And RAIN. Do you know we had about 6 days of rain total last year? So if you are back east and think last year was dry for you, believe me, you had far more rain than we did. I am definitely ready for one of those blackened scary skies where the wind comes out of nowhere and rain is falling heavy with the crack of lightning following. I must say, it will be wonderful to be back home again.

This was taken on the Royal Gorge Bridge here in Colorado...a very very high suspension bridge!I made it across tho and had to pause to point at a brilliant state sign, VIRGINIA! (If only there was an Ireland sign as well....)

:: 1:05 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets