pelican reasoning
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Gumballs on the floor...and other tales

02 April 2003
You know those gumballs you can buy in the gumball machines? Well yesterday we were out at Bed Bath and Beyond and lo and behold, I spied an entire shelf of them. For sale. All sizes of bags. They sell the gumball machines as well. But I just had to buy a smallish sized bag. I think they are rather addicting. I decided a few minutes ago I would grab a few from the bag, which is a re-sealable bag, which someone did not re-seal. Probably me. And when I went for it in the pantry, it fell onto the floor, scattering half the contents, yes, you guessed it, on the floor. Of course the dogs thought it was a huge free for all and tried to gobble up as many as they could. Then they attempted to play miniature soccer on the floor with the ones I couldn't pick up quick enough. I am always spilling things, knocking things over.....maybe I never made enough of a mess as a child and am making up for it now.

So I suppose I went nearly another two weeks without any entries here. I do not know where the time went. Well actually I mentioned two weeks ago Colm was flying in from Dublin for a visit. So we spent last week doing some tourist-y type things. The weather was odd, spring-like temps one day, snowy, sleety freezing temps the next. Regardless we managed to get in some visits to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings (where they charge 10$ a person basically to visit the gift shop, but it was still fun), Garden of the Gods, oh, and a really brilliant mall up towards Denver in Littleton called Park Meadow Mall. Normally I hate malls and every aspect of shopping, but this mall was nice. The bathrooms were gorgeous, I could have lived in those alone. Many of the shops were far too ritzy for me (when would I have the need for satin gowns and $300 spike heeled shoes???), however I must praise the Eddie Bauer shop and make a shrine to it to worship every day. OK not really. But in that shop was the first time ever that I tried on a pair of jeans and they fit. They actually fit. You must note every jean shopping expedition for me takes hours and hours and all that happens is I wind up in tears. But this time it was a whim in which I chose to try on a pair for the heck of it, they fit, so I bought them. And to think I never liked Eddie Bauer shops before.

We did see an amusing sight in the Food Hall of aforementioned mall. Colm was having his Chick-Fil-A, Clare was eating her McDonald's grub and Greg and I were enjoying some steak sandwiches. Well actually I was feeling terrible. We saw "Steak Escapes", the food looked delicious, I ordered and paid, sat down, took a bite and realised it was Friday. (It's Lent remember? No meat on Fridays...although Colm swears that is no longer in effect, but when you're used to it, you just stick with it, right?). Anyway there we are eating (me in my guilt induced state) and I looked over to see a most hideous sight. Some girl, maybe age 16, fake tan, not a super great body, wearing a torn up t-shirt (cut off above the stomach and sleeves cut off also), and a tight, I mean TIGHT micro-mini skirt. It was made of some sort of knit/track pants material and pretty much see-through. Finishing off the ensemble was a pair of chunky platform white shoes. If she bent over I feared we were in to see more than what any of us cared to. She flirted with the guy behind the Subway counter for awhile then sat down (after walking very wobbly-like to a table), and proceeded to make weird faces while trying to work her mobile phone. Mind you it wasn't even warm outside on Friday. We were all in wool coats, scarves and mittens. Why people dress the way they do in public amazes me. I'm all for making a statement and not looking like everyone else (you guys should have seen me in high school) but sometimes the whole world just doesn't want to see your arse. Unless they are paying to see it in a strip club. Not while eating lunch in the mall.

OK enough venting on badly dressed whores.

I am battling a horrible sinus infection that began as a cold. I dislike any kind of sinus discomfort. I have had four sinus surgeries. None of them worked. To make matters worse, with my immune/oncology illnesses, when my counts are way down I cannot fight anything that wants to infiltrate my body, allergens included. Damn my lack of natural anti-histimines, as well as those that are supposed to be in my allergy medication. Oh well. To top it off, there is this nosebleed that won't stop all evening. Can't I just have normal platelets that clot? Of course not. We are talking about me, after all.

:: 10:39 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets