pelican reasoning
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Spring-like Outings

13 April 2003
We have had a wonderful seven days of spring-like temperatures this week, however, around the corner lies a system of wintry conditions. Allegedly. That's Colorado for you. We did have snow on Mother's Day last May, after all.

Anyway, we managed to get out and about despite my little illnesses, all of us, doggies included, getting heaps of fresh air. Colorado is so temperamental during the wintertime, therefore we didn't get out much except for necessary trips. The ice and snow are no fun, believe me. We were able to do a huge walk around Garden of the Gods, the park filled with giant red rocks on Wednesday. The Jacks loved tracking down the scents of whatever they were hunting, and Clare got some excess energy out by racing circles around us for every few steps we took. Thursday we finally got to the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame Museum, which was mediocre. Me, being a museum person, naturally had critiqued the entire place and thought of ways as to how they could better display their collections. But hey, that's just me. Clare had a good time, being the "cowgirl" that she is, and even got to use a lasso in the outdoor section to rope a metal bull. I will post up a photo of that below.

Friday we were able to get in some horseback riding. Clare chose her usual, Mr. Stubbs, the forty year old horse that is really and truly "retired" from Air Force duty and enjoying his time here at the Academy Stables. He was in good form and walked the entire time. I, however, got a stubborn horse who was stopping every three minutes. It was good fun at any rate. In nicer weather we try to take at least three weekly walks down to the Stable area to visit the horses and do some walking. Which is where we are heading in just a few minutes.

Today has been another sunny and actually fairly hot day. I am completely exhausted but keep pressing on. I'm pretty fed up of the way the Air Force is controlling my health issues....we cannot move to the DC area for my bone marrow-immune deficiency treatments and further testings until they approve the entire thing. So in the meantime I have to keep going here and get through on a daily basis till someone somewhere decides to do their job and get us out of here. Not an enjoyable thing to contemplate at nearly 31 years old and awaiting permission to do what you need to with your life.

Yep, I am just a tad bit narcy about the situation at hand. And with good reason I do believe.

A week from today is Easter, and once again Greg will be working through a holiday. This will require Clare and I to take him to work at 4am in order to have the Jeep to do what we want for the day. (Oh the joys of not being able to afford two vehicles since I am sick and can't work currently....) Which basically will be Mass and an Easter Brunch out somewhere. I am thinking about the Historic Broadmoor Hotel. We might as well treat ourselves and enjoy the day, even if they are calling for snow next weekend!

Good news...."The Cave" next door (you know, the Christian Coalition folks who abuse their dogs) are moving. They said the same thing last September but it fell through, so I won't hold my breath on this one till I see them pack up their final box o' junk and drive away forever. Apparently the dad (AKA "Howdy Howdy") switched jobs at the base he works at outside of Denver and that will guarantee them another two years here. And apparently the commute is "too long". And it took him how long to figure this one out? Anyway, no I am not hearing this as gossip as I don't say a word to my freak neighbours. He came over and volunteered this information to Clare and myself yesterday after our evening walk while we were having a sit on our bench outside. All I could say was "Oh that's nice." I suppose jumping up and down and cheering with delight would have been a bit over the top, don't you think?

Clare roping a "bull" at the Pro-Rodeo Hall of Fame Museum on Thursday.

:: 5:08 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets