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It's a brown sugar cured Missouri ham.....

17 April 2003
Our Jack Russell Reilly is on a Mission. He is currently guarding our Brown Sugar Cured Missouri ham. I am serious. He really is. A while ago Aoife, the other Jack, was trying to walk into the living room from the kitchen and he would not let her pass. Normally she is the one growling at him for one reason or another. But now that a luscious ham is involved in the scenario, Reilly has taken control of things. I need to take a picture of him and post it here, but currently the batteries for the digital are being recharged. So that task must wait until tomorrow.

Yes, I did buy a ham. The Historic Broadmoor Hotel is booked solid, in all of their dining rooms, for Easter Brunch. As is every other place in town. I've just got to go ahead and cook a ham for us. Which in a way is good, that way Greg will have some Easter dinner when he gets home from work. Along with some fresh green beans, potato salad, rolls and angel food cake, our Easter meal will be complete. I am really eager to eat the ham. Although I am not exactly a huge meat eater, I do like country hams. Yum.

They are still predicting snow for Easter Sunday. The weather this week hasn't been too bad actually, a bit chilly....but not freezing. We have still managed to get down to the Stables every day. A girl was down there yesterday with her horses telling us how she works in a Veterinarian's office and just got a rescue horse for $100. She said there was another rescue horse available. If I knew how long our stay here was to be, I would go on and purchase one as well. Then Clare would have her very own horse to continue learning to ride on. That girl is obsessed with horses.

Yesterday Clare and I had our dental cleanings at the "very cool dentist's office". As usual, we were praised for our dental hygiene and given excellent reports. The one hygienist told me most children they see in the office have had a few cavities by the time they reach Clare's age. I was appalled. What is wrong with parents? Why can't they teach their children to be clean, in all aspects? Why do people continue breeding time and time again and couldn't care less about their kids? I see this example on a daily basis, whether in my own neighbourhood or out in public. It is truly sad. My mother told me today she went to WalMart and in the parking lot were two children running around. The little girl was about four years old, darting in front of cars, nearly being hit at least twice that my mother saw. The child's brother, not much older, was running around as well. No parent to be seen. My Mum was so disgusted she got the children and brought them into the store and found their mother and proceeded to lecture her. And their mother's excuse? "I am in a hurry, we are already supposed to be on the road travelling and I had to come in for a quick stop." Then she had the nerve to ask my mother if she was a cop. (My mother is not, just a concerned citizen) My mother's reply..."It matters not what I am, you need to mind your children." If I were Mum I would have phoned the police. There are so many people who cannot have children, yet would be excellent parents. Yet, others have the ability to reproduce, numerous times, and couldn't care less. Case in point, this woman's children could have been hit by a careless driver, or kidnapped. Just proves that stupid, incompetent people should be sterilised by the government.

Sorry, but people like this, which seems to be the majority of the population, really irritate me.

Well, that's enough ranting for one day. I am going to finish off this lovely bowl of Butter Pecan ice cream and get in bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, and it's Good Friday as well. So I've lots to do before Mass at 7pm. All of you people take care and for Heaven's sake, mind your children!

:: 10:02 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets