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the search for the perfect brownie

11 November 2003
Did any of you know that I am on the eternal search for the perfect brownie? Well I am. I love brownies. They have been my favourite dessert since I can remember. I make some good brownies, but whenever I get the chance to sample some in a bakery or restaurant or what have you, I pounce on it. I just love brownies!! We found a small bakery near the "historic" area downtown the other week that has been in business for about thirty years. And they have got some delicious brownies. If I ever need a quick fix now, I know where to go.

On a different note, Clare's tonsilectomy/adenoidectomy surgery went well. She has eaten heaps of broth to the point of hating it, and has moved on to more substantial foodstuff such as garlic bread and spaghetti. I know. This kid must have throat of steel. She said her throat is "a little scratchy". A little scratchy. When I had my tonsils out (a surprise by my ENT during one of my numerous sinus surgeries) at age 23, I thought I was going to die. I lived off of Chloroseptic throat spray for two weeks and ate nothing. Anyhow, she has even done all of her make up work for school thus far and is really aggravated about having to stay cooped up inside this week. Her post-op appointment is this Friday and hopefully he will give her the go ahead to return to school next week.

On a sombre note, the ENT had decided Clare needed a sinus CT scan prior to surgery, since I have such a history of sinus related problems myself (related to my immune disease). So he called us last week to tell us the news. All of that child's sinus cavities are filled with fluid/fungal matter. Just like her mommy. She is far too young to have sinus surgery. So she will start steroids soon. It will decrease some swelling in the sinus tissues and help extract some of that icky goop. In a nutshell, in combination with her blood counts, she is the proud recipient of this weird rare immune disease I have. Poor kid. Getting all the rotten DNA. On a brighter note, my world famous researchers at Walter Reed will be taking her on as well. So at least we are both in good hands. We'll be making the trek to DC next month to donate copious amounts of blood to the vampires. Ehm, I mean Immunologists.

On yet another note, the Autumn Harvest party at Clare's school went well.

We took Clare Trick or Treating while my parents hung out in our yard and gave out candy. I was dressed in 18th century garb and Clare was dressed as Jessie from Toy Story 2. Greg went as, er, Greg. My parents ran out of candy within an hour. I have never, in my life, seen so many kids out on Halloween. Thousands of them. And that is no exaggeration.

Speaking of brownies from earlier, I am dying to have one and I have the ingredients I am off to bake.

Clare and her Granddad on Halloween (he is videotaping in the background)

Clare and myself right before her surgery

:: 8:53 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets