pelican reasoning
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but it has sugar on it!!

28 October 2003
Every child has their own little quirks; odd behaviour only their parents might understand. But I tell you, I just don't know why a six year old child won't eat food that is "bad" for them. Especially when encouraged by their parents!

Clare has always been a little different with her eating habits. Always the child to eat the broccoli and spinach, snub meat, stay away from sweets and cakes. With the way her sinuses have been congested and her throat bothering her on a regular basis, I totally can relate to any times she simply did not feel like eating. Easter before last she discovered chocolate and was on a sugar kick whenever we would allow (a brownie now and again, and a few sweets for Halloween and Christmas). Lately I have been begging her to eat any high calorie food she can get her hands on to try to add a bit of weight to her in her recently picky stage. So yesterday after school we ran by WalMart to pick up a few items and wound up staring into a case of doughnuts. Now these doughnuts will never ever be in the same league of Krispy Kreme doughnuts (those of you in the South know what I am talking about), but with no KK within a reasonable driving distance from here, the WalMart ones had to do.

Once back in the car (after a mad dash in the torrential downpour of rain falling from the skies) we open up the bag of doughnuts. Clare eats half of a glazed and informs me she wanted some more. Fine by me, but seeing how I ate the other half of the glazed I handed her a sugar coated one. She takes it, looks at it, and says, "But it has SUGAR on it, yuck." What child would deprive themselves of a good old-fashioned sugar high? Apparently our daughter. She also avoids common kid-loved foods such as pizza, hot dogs, Cokes, ice cream, etc. Bizarre. (However, good for her teeth in the long run I suppose!)

Speaking of Clare's eating habits, she finally had her ENT consult on Friday. They will be calling us this week to schedule her surgery: removal of adenoids and tonsils. Poor kid. I really was hoping they could hold off until Christmas break but no such luck, the problem needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. So she'll miss some school. The doctor said most children's appetite picks up considerably after this operation. I am hoping he is correct in Clare's case. I had my tonsils out during one of my sinus surgeries when I was about 23. I didn't eat for two weeks.

So as you can probably imagine, we have been a bit overwhelmed with quite a lot lately. I had about five writing ideas floating around in my head but they have since dissipated in the uproarious madness that has taken control of our lives in recent weeks. (more madness than usual, mind you!) Between some "error" with Greg's pay (no pay for four weeks...brilliant!), school issues, work issues, doctor concerns, running to Virginia for a death, etc....things have been quite a mess. Eventually it will all sort itself out, I know. But in the meantime I suppose it's ok to turn into a psychotic freak, right?

Of course, that's usually how I am anyway, so nothing changes then!

:: 10:55 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets