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the moroccan royal family loves my husband

06 October 2003
Ah, another weekend completed and back to the exciting school/work week. At least the weather seems to be holding at comfortable autumn temperatures. I love the autumn!

Thursday afternoon I got to meet with some of the room mother helpers for Clare's classroom so we could gather ideas and delegate tasks for the "Autumn Harvest" party. At least that is one small part finished. If we can just pull it off for the 31st, I will be extremely pleased. When I arrived home that afternoon, Clare and Greg were at the kitchen table colouring and Greg said, rather nonchalantly, "By the way, we have to be at my work at 3pm tomorrow. I am getting an award." Needless to say, I was a bit irritated since it would require taking Clare out of school early (mind you, she had just missed a day and a half of school) and we were meant to be travelling to Virginia at 3 pm anyhow. I love how the Air Force gives you tons of notice on things.

So Friday we collected Clare, and went to the Base. We had no earthly idea what this award was for. It was put in by the crew in Colorado. We could only guess at the reason(s) behind it. So they had four command post people receiving awards, the other three were for outstanding duties in wartime scenarios over in the Middle East. OK, well Greg was not deployed, so what could it have been for? While they read out the information printed on the award certificate and pinned on the medal, it all became clear. Well sort of. It was for "Meritous Service from 20 December 2001 to 29 July 2003". And it reads:

"A1C GLH, JR. distinguished himself by meritous service as Command Post Controller, Wing Operations Centre, 21st Space Wing, PAFB, Colorado. Airman Harmon provided significant wartime command and control contributions to operation NOBLE EAGLE, transmitting over 38 flawless Commander's Situation Reports. He submitted over 40 accurate operational reports for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, the highest error-free reporting total by an Air Force Space Command Unit. Additionally, Airman Harmon excelled as the assistant training manager for the largest wing in Air Force Space Command. Finally,(**and this is the best part, haha**), Airman Harmon performed exceptionally during a diplomatic aircraft emergency and was praised by the Moroccan Royal Family for his professional response. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Harmon reflect credit on himself and the United States Air Force."

I found the praise given by the Moroccan Royal Family one of the most amusing things I have heard of~ ever. I don't know why, I just do. Maybe we can solicit a nice trip to be given a tour of the Royal Family's Royal Mansion in Morocco?

After the ceremony we meandered on to Virginia, with me driving, passing Amish Buggies at vast speeds to combat DC traffic. Much to my chagrin, it did not work. We still managed to get stuck in the middle of it. I really hate DC traffic.

So the weekend consisted of Greg and my dad replacing brakes on our Jeep. My mother made a chocolate cake which she forced onto us when we walked through the door. She said I sounded "distressed" and "needed it". So much for my gym visits. Not that I am huge or anything. I am actually very thin. Just have weight on in the "wrong places" and want it gone. But that's another topic indeed.

Greg and I decided to go on a "date" Saturday night. We decided on a movie, since we have only gone one time in what, four years? So we drove down there to find the particular film was not showing till 10.15 pm. It was about 8 pm then. To kill time we figured we would go downtown (downtown Richmond is a mistake on a Saturday night) and pay a visit to the newly re-located Penny Lane Pub. Well we found the new location and the pub itself was not open. Actually, by looking through the windows we could see it was still under major construction inside. Ok, so we drove a couple blocks to the old location. No such luck, it was boarded up. No signs, no indication as to when it will re-open. Odd. Well back to the cinema, perhaps. But halfway there we were just too tired (see what being over 30 gets you?) and wound up going back to my parent's house and going to sleep. So much for our date, which is quite sad since we never ever do anything without the little red-headed child with us. Which is partly our faults since we refuse to leave her with a sitter. So next time my parents come up we'll have to go somewhere, I suppose. On a brighter note, we got to see some really hilarious hookers on a couple of corners downtown.

We made it back yesterday afternoon and had an early night to bed, 8.30 pm. Again, age is showing. Actually, I like going to bed earlier when daylight hours are shorter.

And now I am left on my own devices for a short while until I can collect Greg from work very soon and Miss Clare from school. For now, I think I need to get the rest of my Halloween decorations put up outside.

Clare reading a book to Daddy and Aoife

Aoife snarling and growling at my mother in an attempt to "save" me from the vacuum

:: 10:10 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets