pelican reasoning
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02 October 2003
When I was younger, each school year there were always debates as to which child would be the first to be sick. As in vomiting. Or who would lose a tooth at their desk or get the first bloody nose of the school year. Yes, we were sick and twisted kids. Of course I still am, to a degree. Which is most likely where Clare gets her gruesome tendencies from.

At any rate, who was the child to throw up not only in school, but at the lunch table yesterday? None other than my daughter. Luckily I just found out she was not the first of the year. But close enough. She said everyone just kept eating and she was taken to the nurse's office and that was that.

So she went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and again today. The diagnosis: tonsils must be removed. Which is a good thing, considering she has been battling those and her ears for years now. Her ears cleared up mostly after her surgery at age two, but the tonsils were never removed. I think this is why she doesn't like to eat a lot. I think if my throat was closed up like hers 90% of the time, I wouldn't feel much up to eating either. I'm just glad a doctor finally took the time to listen and move things along. In the past we have been told, "Keep on eye on it", "Wait till she is older", etc etc. She is mostly upset she isn't in school today. But she'll be there tomorrow more than likely.

My agenda has been insane lately. It's probably a good thing I am not currently working (for once I am not irritated I have some rare disease!), as I don't seem to have enough hours in my day to accommodate all that needs finishing. For starters I have been driving quite a lot...taking Clare to and from school, taking Greg to and from work (which is tricky since he does shift work), going to doctor's appointments and weekly blood drawings at the lab, obligatory obsessive house cleaning each day, going to the gym in the mornings....not to mention errands, dinners and whatever else needs doing. I also was asked to be Head Room Mother for Clare's class. So I am in the midst of organising an Autumn Harvest Party for the 31st. Mind you it can't officially be called a "Halloween" party since it is Catholic School. So finding autumn-y activities for these children to do has been a challenge. I arranged a meeting with the teacher and other helpers this afternoon, so hopefully we can get some tasks delegated and get this party sorted, organised and ready to go.

We weren't affected by the hurricane really. We got some rain, lots of wind and lost power for about 17 hours. Not bad. My parents in Virginia lost power for a week. Most people we know in Virginia, actually, got hit pretty hard and had house/property damage and went the week with no electricity. I am really surprised we didn't get the brunt of the storm, suppose we lucked out really.

I drug out my Halloween decorations Tuesday and got half of the yard/porch decorated. I love Halloween. Of course most of you know this by now. I picked up a few other things this week as well to add to the menagerie.

We have discovered just how weird our neighbours are, the family next to us, that is~ but that is another story for another time. What would my life be without at least one set of truly bizarre/annoying neighbours? I honestly think this batch wins the competition hands down. Details to follow next time.......

:: 1:31 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets