pelican reasoning
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one insane weekend

15 September 2003
Right, so this weekend was busy busy busy. It involved heaps of driving, too much traffic, a ton of drunken teenagers, one very crowded-just-opened-outdoor mall~ of sorts~ and a fair amount of rain fell... but it was quite fun, nonetheless.

Friday we collected Clare from school in our Jeep which was laden down with belongings and two Jack Russell Terriers. In the pouring rain we were apparently getting from the hurricanes swirling around somewhere in the Atlantic. We did grand till the DC area, and traffic was backed up for ages. We got delayed by about an hour and twenty minutes, so not too horrid, but enough to be slightly annoying. Dogs and child napped peacefully through it, of course.

Got to my parent's house and promptly unloaded our things and went out for food. Then home to bed... we were simply exhausted!

Saturday was the big day. My dear old friend Stephanie came up for a visit. Not old as in age, seeing how she, too, is thirty-one and THAT'S NOT OLD, OK?!! But we have known each other since age 12. Anyhow, we decided to brave the brand new fancy mall that opened a week ago in Short Pump. And was that an experience. My mother read in the paper that this mall caters to women who make approximately $80,000 per annum. Or whose husbands make $80,000 per annum is more likely. By the looks of these women shopping, I seriously doubt any of them have worked a day in their life. We spent most of the time at the Body Shop, where they did a complete make-up application on me. It was nice, kind of pampering, something I have not endured for a long time. I don't mean that in terms of Greg, he's great, mind you, but I would never say, "Greg, why don't you do a make-over on me?"

We hit the Pottey Barn and Crate and Barrel and adored all the over-priced items for our homes we could never ever afford. Then it was time for lunch, which led us to the upper food court and hoards of people, hundreds of them, all in a massive crowd, disorganised, trying to figure out which place they wanted to get food from. The food area was structurally confusing and so loud you could barely think, so we gave up on that idea and went elsewhere for lunch. The mall itself was neat, it is an "outdoor" mall so each shop is individual, and open roof over the middle court. More of a European design.

On the way out we did see SOAK, which is a Richmond based bath shop. We have been to the one in Careytown several times, so decided to have a quick look. At the front they had a display of specialty perfumes/cologne, which consisted of some bizarre fragrances. Such delights as Humidour, Sushi, Funeral Home, Wet Garden, Dirt, and Poison Ivy were awaiting to be smelled. Oh it was lovely, let me tell you. (note sarcasm) To make the ensemble complete, you could also purchase the candle and bath salts in matching fragrances. Ehm, yes. I certainly want the smell of dirt permeating throughout my home on a daily basis.

Later that afternoon Greg and I made the trek to Bristow, Virginia to the Nissan Pavilion. Traffic was horrendous (moreso than usual) in the 3 miles leading up to the Pavilion. But we made it and found our seats just in time. And what a surprise, we were surrounded by complete and utter freaks. But what's new, I am a freak magnet if you recall. Dave and the band were brilliant as always, but we were both feeling very tired by the end. We are old, after all!

I must say, I have never seen so much under-aged drinking before in all my life. And not just 19 and 20 year olds. I am talking 15 and 16 year old kids, openly drinking beer in the parking area, and drunk beyond belief. These kids were driving as well, so I certainly feared for our well being. I was just waiting for someone to smash into our Jeep. Since they were so out of it, traffic within the parking area was at a complete and utter stand still for two solid hours. In two hours we moved not an inch. Needless to say we finally got back to Richmond at 3am. Which is entirely too late for me. We were really quite tired yesterday. And today too, now that I think of it!

All in all it was a fun, albeit fast, trip home. Now back to the rush of the school/work week again. But what's life without a little excitement to shake things up a bit.

:: 11:18 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets