pelican reasoning
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doggy wee and dave

10 September 2003
Last night I was looking something up on the computer and smelled something odd. Well odd for our house anyway. Greg has been quite sick, catching the cold Clare had over the weekend, so he was no help when I asked him if he, too, smelled something weird. And it must be something quite noticeable, if I can smell it with my horrendous sinuses.

To me it smelled almost musty- like an old attic. But then I realised it surely must have been, and this is gross, doggy wee. Doggy potty for those of you more familiar with that term.

I looked all around the house, scanning every corner, rug, all around the furniture and even the bath tub. Nothing. I smelled it again as I came back to the computer. Bizarre. I did think it was a bit strange that Aoife, our female Jack Russell, didn't go potty when I had taken her out for the last time that night. Oh well, back to what I had been doing. I didn't give it another thought.

So this morning after taking Clare to school and completing some household tasks, I figured I had better scan in this catalogue of items Clare's school is selling for a fund raiser. Since our adapter for the scanner was not packed with the computer (gotta love the logic of the packers) during the move and was just recently found, I had to connect it up. I lifted up the scanner and what did I find? An icy cold puddle of something really revolting. Doggy wee. UNDER the scanner, on my new pine computer armoir. I saw it after I had lifted the scanner up, thus dripping some of the remains onto my leg, the floor and my hand. Charming. Aoife immediately jumped up in one of the chairs here and proceeded to lie down and ignore me. I knew she was the guilty culprit.

So I had a grand old time cleaning this up at 8.30am. I don't know what in the world got into that dog. I'm glad I eventually found it, imagine if it had been sitting there even longer. And everyone who knows me knows I am simply the Queen of Cleanliness, so they can imagine just how shocked I was to find a mess. In my house. Of all places!

Anyway,Aoife didn't get into trouble per say, just got a stern lecture. I still have no idea what possessed her to do such a thing. Maybe the full moon perhaps.

But I'm not upset by it, especially since I now know we have tickets to see Dave Matthews at the Nissan Pavilion Saturday evening in Virginia. That show has been sold out for a long time. And we missed them out west since we were moving. Had I known we were moving when we did I would have gladly ordered tickets for the VA show when they went on sale. But no matter, thanks to some kind soul who was selling them on Ebay (for a reasonable price, too) we get to go. It's about time too...I have hardly done anything really and truly fun for the past 2 years. Well let's rephrase that, something I want to do. So even though I have not had a proper holiday in about umpteen years, this is definitely going to make up for it. Funny how something that lasts two hours could be something to so look forward to.

Aoife pouting after I found out she christened my scanner and computer armoir

:: 10:39 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets