pelican reasoning
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idaho spuds

02 September 2003
Well now. Here I am after another hell-week. And I survived. Sort of.

"Hell-week" is probably a bit strong, but emotionally and physically I am drained. We seem to be encountering quite a lot of hell weeks lately...what with packing up and dealing with the big move, that was certainly a week of hell. Then getting here and unpacking while battling bronchitis, yet another one... and now a week of school-immunization-tooth type things. All within a span of five fun filled days.

Clare started Catholic school last Wednesday. Even though they only had two half- days, it was quite tiring. Especially since she was so excited she refused to sleep properly the first night. Mum came to visit and help see Clare off on her ventures, and to keep me occupied while the little one was in school. I was a basket case. Would she remember all of her manners? Would she mention the word "hysterectomy" to the teacher and class? Would she remember to cross herself during the prayers? Yes, I was a nervous wreck.

Clare, on the other hand, was literally dragging us into the school the first day. She was really very excited. Even though she went to school in Ireland, this is a very different experience. I did well in dropping her off, but Daddy and Mema were all teary so I had to drag them off to the car.

I am proud to say all went well.

However, the night before school, it was definitely time to extract the top tooth which had been hanging there...just barely. Greg got it while I held a mirror for Clare to watch. No sooner did he have it out, I saw the massive (well what seemed to me to be a massive) gap and then the blood commenced. I fell backwards, my mother rushed Clare off to the sink, and Greg grabbed me and had me sit on her bed. I was apparently more pale than usual. I don't think I will ever be able to comfortably watch a tooth be pulled and still be standing after.

Thursday we had to collect Clare early for her annual doctor appointment and last batch of immunizations. She did not like that bit at all...even after watching me get my weekly injections and bloodwork with great interest. They also took blood from her, using a vein, and she did ok till it was in, then the crying and screaming began. Actually I was fine for that, I watched the entire thing without being ill or quesey. Must be the fact I am used to bloodwork.

Other than that, the lack of sleep on everyone's behalf made for a physically tiring week. We did, however, manage to get the front flower beds dug and filled with some lovely autumn flowers. I also picked up some seeds for the spring that were on major clearance.

We have had some rain and storms which has been nice. I like the rain. Except when it's time to take the dogs out. Neither one particularly like getting their feet wet!

I got my Starbuck's fix. There is a Starbuck's inside one of the local grocery stores, so if I am ever feeling de-caffeinated, I know there is a place I can get to relatively quickly.

Just call me the Starbuck's Queen.

Today is our wedding anniversary. By now you would think we'd know all the quirks and likes/dislikes of one another. But Greg waltzed in the other day from work with one of those Idaho Spud candy bars. He said they were great and someone in work was handing them out. I checked the package but no description was emblazoned upon it. So I asked what it was made of. He replies, "I don't know, but it's good." When he finally opened it and offered a bite to me, I eyed it suspiciously and said, "There is nothing gross in this I would dislike is there?" Oh no he reassures me. I took a tiny bite and immediately I tasted it. Marshmallow. I told him there was marshmallow in it. He argued it was not. I looked it up on the internet. And what do you know, marshmallow. Cocoa flavoured at that. Blah.

And what does that fool say?

"I didn't know you disliked marshmallows!"

What planet has he been living on?


:: 12:21 a.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets