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....and she eats marshmallows....

11 December 2003
Our Jack Russell, Aoife, not only enjoys the exquisite delicacy that is commonly known as hamster, she also loves marshmallows.

We discovered this interesting fact the other night when Clare requested extra marshmallows in her cocoa. We threw a few over to Aoife and she gobbled them up, then proceeded to sit up on her back legs and beg for more. So far we have found only one item she will not eat, and that would be celery. Reilly, for the record, looked at his marshmallow, sniffed it, gave it a lick and walked away. He is a marshmallow snob.

I can�t stand marshmallows or anything remotely marshmallow-y. Unless, of course, they are of the dehydrated variety. As in dehydrated mini-marshmallows in the packets of cocoa. Or the dehydrated marshmallows found in Lucky Charms cereal. Which, by the way, I do not divulge in too terribly often. Just on the rare occasion. And not for breakfast, mind you. That is purely snack food!

:: 1:15 p.m. ::
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