pelican reasoning
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five year plan......

30 December 2003
Another Christmas is over as we head into the New Year. We went home for a week which was great. Clare got tons, and I mean tons of things. The biggest, literally, was a Sally Fair horse stable. It looks, ironically, just like the stables we had in Colorado. Luckily we were able to fit it in her room, even if it is plopped in the middle of her floor. Some creative arranging and rearranging offered some room in her closet for alas, even more toys. She also received another set of Lincoln Logs (I loved those as a kid and foresee many hours of play for me, ehm, I mean Clare and myself) and her coveted Disney Princess Cinderella dress, thus "completing my collection of Princess dresses," put eloquently in her own words.

I got the indigo Kitchen Aid blender (and I can't forget the 9 piece Kitchen Aid utensils set, also in indigo blue), to match my Kitchen Aid mixer. So just call me the energy smoothie queen. I have stocked up on various berries/fruits, yogurts, sherbets and ice in preparation for the mystical, magical smoothie fest to begin as soon as I get the blender instructions down pat. Meaning today, since yesterday was spent unpacking, reorganising, cleaning, etc. I have a five year plan as far as the Kitchen Aid appliances go. Some people have that five year plan on marriage, jobs and when to have children. Not me. I use my five year plan on kitchen appliances. If I get one appliance a year, I should have the ones I desire within five. Next on the list is the food processor. Followed by the knife set and toaster. Kitchen Aid needs to make a coffee maker. If they do, I have yet to see it. Anyhow, thanks to my parents for contributing to my five year Kitchen Aid plan!

Greg received from my parents a pair of Birkenstock clogs. Identical to the ones he lost in the house fire in Colorado, the same ones we have had to hear about week after week. I am so glad he finally got another pair. Thank goodness they opened up that new Birkenstock shop right near my parent's house!

We didn't go out much while on sabbatical in Richmond. We had a few visitors, but the biggest event was Midnight Mass at Sacred Heart in downtown Richmond. I love that church. It is old, historical, and when you go, you actually feel like you are at Mass. Needless to say I am not too keen on our local church here. It is far too modern, uppity, and definitely not a cathedral. Elizabeth and Andrew, the newlyweds, went with us, so it was a wonderful evening. The most interesting thing was watching this couple a few rows up, who had clearly been at a party just prior to Mass. The clothing was very "party-esque", they were passing a bottle of water betwixt them, and the guy was visibly swaying. There was an hour of Christmas music prior to Mass, then once the actual Mass began, the Bishop was giving the greetings. Mr. Drunk Man pushes past his woman, stumbles out of the pew with the girl following, they race around the back rows and approach this side area which is the adoration chapel for the Virgin Mary. There are a few steps to go up, and Mr. Man actually FALLS, with a huge crash onto the floor. Which echoed straight up to the ceiling and back. Everyone in the church looks over, including the Bishop. The girl collects him off of the floor and off they go down the wing towards, what I assume is, the bathrooms. They were not seen or heard from again. What unexpected entertainment at Midnight Mass.

By the way, apparently none of my photos are showing up on this site since I am in dire need of renewing my membership. (hence the little tiny link over on the left side of the page....) Once we get finances back on track, I will. In the meantime, it is not your computer nor the server acting up. I will be pictureless for a little while longer.....

:: 7:06 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets