pelican reasoning
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02 January 2004
So how did we ring in the New Year? Not by drinking tequila as the entry title might suggest. Greg was asleep since he is amidst a six day stretch of morning shifts, which require him to be up by 4 am at the latest. Clare and I are usually in bed by 9ish or so on New Year's Eve. But no, this year she was insistent upon being up so she could countdown till midnight. After much persuasion on her behalf, I agreed, and nearly fell asleep before it was 11pm. So midnight came and went, at which point Reilly is barking maniacally at the neighbours two doors down since the mother was having a party and she, along with the other mothers, had been allowing their kids to run around like heathens out of hell at all hours of the night~ in the freezing cold~ seeing just how much racket they could conjure. Oh it was simply wonderful.

At precisely 12.05 am I told Clare she HAD to go to bed. Aoife starts pawing at the door after being awoken from her sleep, so I decided I had better let her out one last time. We get outside and she eyes something by our's Tequila, the Poodle from Hades that torments our dogs on a daily basis by parading around our yard and patio, marking everything, digging, trying to get in our house, and generally driving our dogs mad. I have brought him home several times just to get him out of my yard.

Getting back to my story, there he is, in all his poodle glory, out of his yard, as usual, staring at Aoife. Who takes one look at me and bolts after him. What choice do I have but to run after her. The scenario: it's freezing cold, I am outside in my pajamas and slippers, chasing my insane dog around who is on a mission to exterminate Tequila the Poodle from Hell once and for all. Mind you, the mother who owns Tequila, is standing in her yard with her friends, about twelve kids are running around and everyone just stops everything to watch the new entertainment. That would be me, chasing Aoife in my pajamas. Do you know how aggravated and embarrassed I was? Aoife was dead set on making Tequila extinct that night. Not a soul, not the daughters that lived there, not the mother, not any of their company, offered to help me out. The least they could have done was pick up their own dog, who was in my yard to begin with (which is precisely why Aoife took off after him), and take him inside so I could catch Aoife and bring her home. But no, the spectacle lasted about ten minutes, much to the amusement of the yard o'freaks.

When I finally managed to get a good hold on her, I marched home, with what dignity I could muster, and came inside. My hands and feet were frozen. There is Greg, awake, and at the door, wondering where I was. He had not a clue what had just happened, and said, "You didn't carry her leash, she could have gotten away since there are people outside." (she will go after loud kids on occasion.)

"Oh really?", I replied.


And dogs!

Yesterday was enjoyably quite outside all day since I suppose the neighbours had to rest up from their late night extravaganzas. But Tequila was up and at it, in our yard a mere six times. I love dogs, but come on, if we keep our dogs out of other people's properties, then they need to do the same. Especially when their dog is a continuing problem.

Tequila has begun going potty ON our patio numerous times a day which is disgusting. He also started digging around our satellite. Not good. Our neighbours to the immediate left of us have a fenced in yard with three large dogs. Who would happily jump the fence at the chance to devour Tequila in a single chomp. So those neighbours were out to see why their dogs were going insane. They saw me out there letting Aoife try to chase Tequila off (she was on a leash this time). But he kept hanging around. After about fifteen minutes of continuous barking from our dogs and the ones next door, here comes one of the daughters to fetch Tequila. My neighbour told her she had better keep an eye on him from now on if she doesn't want the big dogs to get him. I told her he keeps coming down every day and digging in my yard and pottying on my patio. She ended up in tears, but apparently never told the mother or we would have had a knock at the door, I am sure. We were not mean at all, just told her matter of factly they need to keep an eye on their dog or he will either a) get eaten by the big dogs, or b) wind up getting bitten badly from Aoife. It makes me wonder, yet again, why the majority of the population gets away with having pets and children. Yet they aren't even capable of taking care of themselves, let alone anyone else.

Oh the joys of neighbours~ when will it ever end??

And by the way, laugh all you want at the sight of me running around in a crazed fit trying to retreive Aoife, it probably was amusing.

:: 4:58 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets