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tequila, part 2....and a few other ramblings

06 January 2004
Here it is Twelfth Night, exactly one year since I had the hysterectomy, and I am thinking, boy does time fly. I swear it seems as though no time has passed. But it has, and I find some circumstances a tad different: we live in a completely different state, Clare is a happy schoolgirl that recently survived a tonsilectomy, people I know have gotten married, some have had children, some are currently pregnant... so things are different. Not really though. I am watching other people's lives change I suppose. The majority of things for us have remained the same.

News on the dog front. Not about our dogs, I mean a particular dog. The Poodle from Hades. Tequila. His owner came down to our door this afternoon. I thought, here we go, she is going to give out to me about the incident on New Year's Day concerning her daughter and our other neighbour. So I opened the door to find she only wanted to know if we could bring her youngest daughter home from school today. We had already made a doctor's appointment for Clare and had to collect her from school a bit early. I was nice and told her as long as it was ok with her, I didn't mind bringing Lexy with us to the doctor.

Come to find out they have to move this Thursday since some piping had burst and the repair people decided rather than spend over eight hours making the repairs, military housing should just move them altogether. So they have to move to the other base housing which is right outside the actual base, in the really old and not-so-nice section. I feel a bit sorry for them, since the husband is deployed to Iraq till end of March and not only do they have to move now, they are being stationed in the Azores in April. And one parent- the mother- to organise everything on her own, with three daughters. I guess I don't have it in me to be too mean and wretched to people.

Clare has been put back on antibiotics and also a cough medication to be taken at bedtime. Unfortunately, she is like me, not only inheriting this insane immune deficiency thing, but can't handle being off of strong antibiotics for too terribly long. She had been on a long course just prior to her surgery in November, and then again the month after. One good thing is she fell asleep properly tonight. She has been up till the wee hours the past week straight. She has also been moody with the incessant coughing....I think it was a combination of the full moon and not feeling well. She, like her dear mother, was born under the birth sign of Cancer. So we are ruled by the moon. And if you don't believe in such things, just ask anyone who knows us. Or better yet, those who must live with us!

So perhaps some things are looking up~ Clare should be on the mend, which means more sleep for us all; Tequila the Insane Poodle will be gone from our neighbourhood forever as of Thursday; our high speed internet which I installed last week (which took a turn for the worst after a few short days) seems to be running just fine now. And before I forget, some very kind soul out there in Internet-land was so generous to renew my Diaryland membership. I have no idea who you are~ I do have my suspicions though~ but thank you, thank you, thank you!! I only wish you'd share your identity, so I might be able to return the favour to you, somehow, at some point in time.

:: 8:57 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets