pelican reasoning
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no more shaggy Reilly

10 February 2004
Well it has been some sort of hectic last few days around here. We have a project due on Friday for Clare's class, a collection of 100 things for the 100th day of school. More on that later this week. We have things to prepare and goodie bags to pack, twenty precisely, for the class Valentine's party on Thursday. Then there are items to pack for the mini-trip to Virginia on Friday. All the while we three are battling through bronchitis and respiratory infections.

But just so you all know we haven't dropped off the face of the planet, I thought I'd throw a little entry up here tonight.

We took Reilly in for a much needed grooming today. Now we are people who talk to our dogs all the time, and I completely understand what they are saying to us. Some of you might find that unbelievable, whereas the rest of you who have pets and love them as though they are your children, will know exactly what I am talking about. So Reilly has been very unhappy about being so shaggy. I had not trimmed his coat since June of last year. We figured he would enjoy the thicker fur during the winter months. Clearly he was not thrilled, seeing how he stands on the bed all night with his tongue hanging out, panting in our faces. We whisked him off to PetsMart this afternoon and he got the full treatment: haircut, bathing, nail trimming and ear cleaning. He is certainly a new doggie tonight.

And I swear I saw him smiling while he was being shaved.



:: 9:54 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets