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100 jack russells

12 February 2004
Tonight we put the finishing touches on the big project due tomorrow. I worked out how we would do a little bit each night for five nights, that way all the bits and pieces would have time to dry (lots of hot gluing involved) and it would be all set to put together by this evening.

Clare's school is celebrating the 100th day of school tomorrow. It is obviously a big thing these days in the lower grades, from what I have heard and read. We never had any celebration or big deal made over our 100th school day back when I was young. Anyhow, one of the things they had to do was make a collection of 100 items CREATIVELY displayed.

Note: "creatively". I overheard other parents talking amongst themselves in the last month while waiting to collect the children, and I didn't hear any projects that would fit into creative of any sort. Alot of "I'm letting my kid put 100 stickers on a piece of paper." Oh, the imagination is really kicking in on that one.

It is sad that is seems these parents are so disinterested in their children. It is pretty evident by the things they say, do and how they treat their children. Anyone can have kids, but being a parent, a GOOD parent, takes time, patience and alot of love and interaction with the child. We take hugs amounts of interest in every aspect of Clare's schooling, from homework to tests to projects to other students and how they treat her. We are aware and concerned.

Anyway, I am digressing here. For Clare's 100th day project we chose 100 Jack Russells. And what we did was print out fifty pictures of Reilly and fifty pictures of Aoife. We painted a styrofoam cone glittery purple, and hot glued each photo we cut out onto a coloured toothpick. Once it was dried, we inserted the 100 Jack Russells into the cone, making a kind of Jack Russell "tree" of sorts. You can't say that's not creative!

And the finished product looks like this:

If anything, she'll have the coolest looking project in her class.

Oh, we had the Valentine's Day class party today.

Which meant that last night I made twenty name tags for twenty goodie bags for each student. They looked like this:

Hey, Martha Stewart would be impressed. Well, her staff anyhow, since I give them the full credit for being overworked by Ms. Stewart to come up with those nifty ideas. Speaking of Martha, I am hoping she goes to jail. Not because I am evil, but because I would love to see her next book: 100 Ways To Decorate Your Jail Cell!

:: 9:17 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets