pelican reasoning
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good things

05 March 2004
....And another complaint, this time not about food being re-shelved.

Today after school we let Clare play on the playground for awhile with some of her classmates. Right before we were ready to leave, I heard a certain mother say to another one, as the kids ran by, "Clare is SO small." The other mother replied with, "Yeah, I know!".

Why are people obsessed with her size? There is nothing wrong with her. Yes she is thin. So what. I was too at that age. And I had to put up with tons of people harassing me about my size for years. Do we ever go up to an obese person and make a comment to them? No. So what gives people the right to comment about thin people?

The mothers were about 25 feet or so from us. Of course they had to have known we overheard them. And it's the same people who keep commenting about Clare's size. Once is enough people, give it a rest.

I guess I am overly sensitive since I was picked on so much growing up, and even into adulthood about my weight. Things like, "Do you eat?" and "Are you anorexic?" are just plain ridiculous. I have a huge appetite and on occasion can out-eat my husband! I guess in this country if you are six years old and don't weigh at least 65 pounds or more you are considered "unhealthy". People need to keep their ridiculous observations to themselves. I am sick and tired of it and will not have my daughter harassed over such a topic as I was.

My mother used to tell me that people who made fun of my size were just jealous. Maybe so, or maybe she was just trying to make me feel better. People still have issues with me actually being 31. In their minds if you are short and thin, you MUST be 16 years of age. Yep, that's right, I am 16, with an almost seven year old daughter.

Anyhow on a happier note we have had some ok weather the past couple days. We took advantage the other night and brought Clare and the Jacks on a walk through the downtown "historic" area. Much better to walk outside in warm weather than the freezing cold walks we have been taking all winter.

And on an even happier note, I got my Aidan fix last night. Ross and Aim�e were kind enough to hook us up to their webcam so we could have a virtual visit to the Walters' McMansion (inside joke there, no I am not being snide!). Clare sang some songs to Aidan which he happily "danced" to. It was brilliant. We sure have missed those we are close to while on our "travels" these past years. My circle of friends has become small over the years; you kind of find out who your true friends are when you live far from home; but it is comforting to know those that remain are your true-honest-to-goodness friends who accept you as is.

Great friends like that make life worth living.

And that's a good thing.

(now, note THAT as a snide comment....I told you guys Martha would be found guilty. I am really dying for a peek at her new book, 100 Ways to Decorate a Jail Cell~ which I mentioned a few entries back~ to hit bookshelves next year).

:: 11:10 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets