pelican reasoning
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ramblings for saturday

17 April 2004
So my complaint of bad weather in my last entry was compensated with summer-esque weather today, and it was WONDERFUL. Clare and I were able to get out and about and walk the doggies all around the neighbourhood. They were even thankful to get outdoors for longer than just a bathroom break. I think the good luck will continue as the warm trends are supposedly going to continue throughout the week. Well doesn't that just figure, just in time for Spring Break to be over.

Greg is spending the weekend working the ever annoying 1.30pm till 10pm shifts, so Clare and I have been left to our own devices. It's too bad Greg is missing the nice weather since he has to be cooped up at work.

Isn't this such the lacklustre entry from me. Well I seriously doubt anyone wants to read about how I have been sick the last week with severe fungal infestation of my sinuses and a fever of up to 103F, so I will leave it at that. Fingers crossed I can get into the ENT and have him vacuum out these annoying sinuses...oh the joys of having an immune disease rule your body.

Clare and I have had a great time editing photos in Black and White...this one we took earlier today!

:: 8:55 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets