pelican reasoning
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hot weather conditions, cool books and some sort of bugs....

19 April 2004
So yesterday, Sunday, we got heaps of sunshine and hot weather. I could not believe it went from 40F to 81F in two days. Insane. Anyhow, the last day of Spring Break at least allowed Clare and I to get out and walk the dogs. Both at the same time. I let Clare hold Reilly's leash and she did extremely well. A few times I had to take control of both doggies if we were walking by a yard with small kids or other dogs because our dogs love to pull you into that direction. And Clare is only about 37 pounds which means Reilly's force would literally drag her. I was being drug by both dogs at some points. You might think Jack Russells are small dogs, but they have got some muscle and they also have alot of force. Especially when tracking a smell. Or a squirrel. Or a small child. Or anything really, they have no fear whatsoever. Any Jack Russell owner would agree, these dogs think they are the biggest creature out there.

My arm is actually sore from being pulled around by the dogs. It was probably about 200 pounds of force they had. Ok, so that is stretching it quite a bit, but it felt like it.

Afterwards everyone had tired feet (and paws) and drank about a litre of water each. I had to take some photos of Aoife and Reilly because I had never seen them that hot or that tired out so quickly. I have also never seen them stick their tongues out so much. Poor things.

Today was back to the routine. Clare had a good day back to school and came home with no homework, we could kind of relax this afternoon. She did come home with her books we bought from the Scholastic monthly book order. She got a set of twelve Beverly Cleary books. I bet alot of you out there read her books when you were younger. I adored the Ramona books, which is what Clare brought home. I still have mine, but they were read and re-read to bits, so it was time to get a new batch for Clare to own. I remember reading those when I was about seven and laughing out loud at them. We began reading "Ramona the Pest" tonight. Clare really enjoyed it. She is a book lover like us, which is a good thing.

When I turned out her light tonight I saw a gathering of teeny tiny miniscule bugs near her lamp. Then I noticed a literal army of them marching up the wall from the baseboard. I managed to squash them all and sprayed the ever useful Windex into the baseboard to prevent more from coming into her room. I just emailed Greg who missed all of this activity being in work, and he said they might be chiggers. Yuck. Now those of you who know me know I am a clean freak, to the point of obsession. So I am freaking out that there are bugs of any sort in this house. Although I am not too surprised with all the cracks in the baseboards, the cracks around the windows, etc. Military housing is the worst; it might be "free", but look at what you have to deal with. Needless to say I am not happy about this new discovery so tomorrow morning when Greg gets in from work he is going to have a look himself. I'm sure we'll have to pay a visit to the housing office. Seeing how it took those people about 25 trips out over a course of four months to get our heater working correctly, this should prove quite interesting.

reilly and aoife after their outing
aoife being super tired girl
and yeah, we can't get enough of the B&W's...

:: 10:31 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets