pelican reasoning
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the verdict is in....

20 April 2004
Chiggers. Greg confirmed those teeny tiny hoards of bugs in Clare's room were indeed chiggers. Luckily they didn't venture far from the baseboard and window area. He contacted the housing office who suggested we contact the "Eatomology" department tomorrow. I swear, that is what the girl wrote on this post-it note. "Eatomology". Somehow I doubt that is in any way related to insects.

I'm sure she meant Entomology.

In the interim, Greg had a bottle of some sort of spray which you can use in the wilds, which should kill things such as chiggers. He coated the perimeter of the window both inside and out, which stopped them in their tracks, and currently Clare is all tucked into our bed for tonight alongside Reilly. I'm sure she would be fine in her room, but still....

I was looking at the word "perimeter" that I typed and the following statement popped into my mind: The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of the lengths of all its sides.

Oh the joys of geometry.

On that note I think I will join Clare in sleepytime. I have had virtually no sleep, well less than usual, thanks to this annoying congestion. I am to the point of being completely worn out. So while Greg is out "enjoying" his last night shift after his six day work week, I'm off to join the children of both human and canine variety.

:: 10:17 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets