pelican reasoning
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boo-boos and cherry scented baths

28 April 2004
So today when I went to collect Clare I saw the teachers ushering the kids inside to wait in the corridor, obviously they had gotten out a few minutes early. Usually they wait outside but as the majority of parents come and go, they bring the remaining kids left waiting inside. Anyhow I saw Clare as she went inside and she looked none too happy. Once I got to her they told me she had fallen outside on the sidewalk. She had a nice scrape on her knee, that's for sure. The knee is not a nice place to get a big scrape, as we all learned from childhood. She was ok till we got to the car and realised Daddy was not with me (he is in work) and she went balistic. I tried talking to her about what happened today in school, which worked for all of about two minutes, then she was howling again for Daddy. Obviously Mommy is not good enough in such situations.

I had to carry her inside and then we managed to get the scrape cleaned out then apply some antibacterial ointment. Aoife, the overprotective doggie, was trying to make a Jack Russell barricade between myself and Clare. Seeing how upset Clare was, Aoife obviously felt the need to protect her from me. I went ahead and suggested to Clare she might as well have her bath early and get it over with. That calmed her down somewhat but as I got her into the bath Aoife jumped in as well. I bathed them both, got them dried off and figured ok, might as well throw Reilly in the bathwater as well. Now all three of my children smell like "Cherry Blast" shampoo.

Now that I have all the towels and bathmat on a hot wash with bleach and I have the human child calmed down (only after two blueberry muffins and a granola bar) and the doggies napping, I can go find something else to get into.

Today has been a crazy kind of day. I had a run in with some young girls at the pharmacy on base; how come I always seem to have these run ins with bratty teenaged girls? I won't go into the sordid details but they were being very rude and making comments about everyone in there. I told them what I thought about their rude behaviour and even had some agreeance from a few others in there who had been observing them as well. Sad thing is these girls were about 18/19 and MARRIED (to active duty Air Force guys). Seeing how you could hear everything they talked about I gathered this information from the get go. They were making such a spectacle of themselves it was simply disturbing. What is with young people these days? It has been awhile since I was that age but I know we certainly didn't behave like that in public. I just don't get it.

:: 4:34 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets