pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

coming soon :: "writing to reach you"

30 May 2004
I had typed up a nice interesting little entry a few days back but lo and behold Diaryland ate it before I could get it posted properly. Normally I write in Word first (then copy and paste it here) but being in the hurry I was that particular day, thought to myself, well surely it will get posted just fine. Wrong. Just my luck. Oh well.

So in the interim I have been working on a side project I am going to most likely link to this site. I had been unsure if I should just turn it into my main online journal or make it a blog link. That way I can rant and rave about anything I see the need to, on an as needed basis, while not disturbing the "creative writing" I like to do here. I have done well to keep this very journal jolly and lighthearted, filled with stories and lamentations of my life, both past and present. I also keep updates added here about our life for those that don't live near us and would like to know what exactly we are up to (since I don't spend loads of time emailing everyone). But there are so many things I would love to write about on the side, especially from a political standpoint. In a way I feel I have built up this kind of reputation with all of you- who seem fairly comfortable with my typical banter thus far- and may not necessarily want to hear all of my opinionated views about the state of our societies and what we should do to try to get outselves together and make this a decent world in which to live. I don't want to get into a mode of occasionally shocking anyone about any of my beliefs, which to some, might be a little too much to handle~ especially on the activist forefront. Which is precisely why I have been tossing around the idea of just adding a link here for those who don't mind some very opinionated views from me, therefore you can choose if you want to actually meander over to read my other stuff or not.

In the midst of about a jillion things we have going on at the moment, I will eventually get the other place tweaked just how I want it, so keep your eyes peeled here for a future announcement of the "grand opening" of my other little corner on the web.

That is, once I find time from the activities of late. (it has been sitting there dormant for awhile over at the other dot com place, sorry, you'll just have to wait!) We have a heap on our plate right now. The past week was a slew of items found on Greg's checklist which HAD to be completed by last Thursday at noon which would, in turn, be the final outprocessing briefing and make him a member of Civilian Life again (yes, so he is officially out and has already got the goateee growing as well as his hair). He spent hours scurrying around last week but still took Wednesday to accompany Clare on her field trip to the Salisbury Zoo in Maryland. It was fun but definitely a long day. I have some pictures I need to post from the field trip.

Anyhow, Thursday night we had a dinner out with his co-workers, or should I say ex co-workers which was a going away meal for a few people who were being restationed and for Greg, who was leaving. That was at a local Japanese Hibachi restaurant and it was wonderfully delicious.

Friday was the Command Post picnic which we all attended after collecting Clare at noon since they had half a day of school. She came out of school full of wounds, since she managed to run on the cement while playing tag (how many times have we said DON'T RUN ON CEMENT). Clare is now the proud recipient of some massive abrasions on her knee (this is going to scar, it is pretty bad), arm and hands. She is a mess. And walking around with what appears to be a broken leg since she refuses to bend her abraised knee.

Today we had another classmate's birthday party to attend, two within a week...they were both fun...and tomorrow shall bring a day of rest for us before plunging head first into a week of uber insaneness. I have GOT to finish hand painting the other wooden barstool so I can get them both sealed with varnish and they will then be all set to be packed up.

This week will find us preparing for a yard sale arranged for next Saturday; attending final doctor appointments, collecting medical records and last medication refills; a cheesecake to bake for the teacher appreciation luncheon; friends coming up on Friday evening (Elizabeth and Andrew); let's not forget the opening of the third Harry Potter film (and my favourite Harry Potter book in the series); then preparing for the final week of school and impending activities. We are also trying to organise an early birthday party for Clare so she can spend it with her school friends rather than having a boring adult cookout type party in Virginia. We don't know any kids there her age and right now her friends are here. So why not do something special for her before we leave. The dilemna is where to do this party....options include the skating rink, the bowling alley (everyone had fun at the bowling party we attended today) or just doing a picnic in the park....oh the options. And on a VERY limited budget ~ it's hard.

The movers are scheduled for the 14th of June.

After that it seems we will be living in our Jeep until one of us gets paid after obtaining a job.

The joys of what is to come...

:: 12:51 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets