pelican reasoning
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and then there were three....

10 June 2004
Three Jack Russells that is. Last Sunday we went to the local SPCA and rescued a gorgeous male Jack, who is four years old. His name was "Tracker", but I don't think that was his original name as he really was not responding well to it. So we re-named him Seamus Finnegan. You really don't think we would neglect to give out an Irish name, do you?

He is so well behaved and not at all wild like our other two have the capability of being. The first night was a little rough as he wasn't too sure about sleeping on the bed, so we were up all night taking him out and walking him around since we were unsure what to do about his restlessness. But by night number two he was sleeping in the bed like the rest of them. Aoife has some dominance issues with him, but they are getting better. It is mostly Aoife growling at Seamus if he gets too near us or if she thinks he is going to get some people food and she will not.

So yes, I guess we are a little crazy for being the owners of THREE Jack Russells. But they make life interesting and I was thrilled to be able to rescue a Jack and provide a good stable home for him.

Mr. Seamus is seen here enjoying his first bath in his new home last Sunday~

Aside from the excitement of the new doggie, we have been completeing all that needs to be done in order to get out of here next week. Greg's checklist items are finally finished; the Air Force is crazy in that they need about 50,000 useless signatures from all these buildings of which you never even stepped foot in to begin with. Another thing that has been dominating our time has been the Great Job Search. I have applied for a few postions including some writing/editing employment. If I am not working full time this summer it's really not that big of an issue, after all, someone needs to be home with Clare. Greg has a great lead on a job that we all hope he receives. It will be wonderful to have a higher family income once again.

Today is actually the last day of school (we survived the first official school year, I can't believe it!). We have been busy accompanying Clare on a few end of the year field trips in the last couple weeks and helped out all day yesterday at the Kindergarten BBQ. Needless to say I am lobster red. And yes I did use sunscreen. I made some goodie bags for the students and we need to go on up to school shortly and drop those off for them.

K4 posing with silly faces~

Good news (besides Greg becoming a Civilian again!) is that my old dear friend Stephanie is engaged! We are thrilled for her and can't wait to meet the future "Mr. Stephanie". He sounds like a great guy, the thing is what with the limited time we have had in Virginia the past couple of years caused us to not yet meet him. Hopefully in the next week or two we can.

And to wrap up my little update here, we found out that Greg's brother Justin was deployed over to the Mid East. He is in the Army, so we hope he makes a quick and safe return. Keep him in your prayers for us. Things are far too dangerous over there at this point and all I can say is I wish everyone would hurry up and get home.

Enjoy the photo update! :D

Greg and I in a typical self-taken photo while sitting out in the "historic green" in the fair city of Dover~

:: 9:26 a.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets