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stephanie's birthday

08 July 2004
So yesterday was Stephanie's birthday. And she has now joined the thirty-two club as well. I was thinking about it the other day, and we met when we were in juniour high, so we were about twelve. Which means we met twenty years ago. That's quite a long time.

We went to different high schools but then both wound up at William and Mary down the road. And then of course we both worked part time in lieu of our "real" jobs at the infamous Barnes and Noble.

Stephanie is such a great person, not only because she is one of my oldest and closest friends, and not because she is a Cancer the Crab as well (so of COURSE our personalities mesh perfectly), but because she is Stephanie. She is witty and always makes me laugh, she is dependable, she is lovely and beautiful too, and very clever as well. I like clever people. We had first met in art class in seventh grade, the very day I met one of my other dear friends, John. That was the day John said in front of everyone, to this girl named Teresa Ottofaro whom none of us knew if she was indeed a male or female, "HEY! Are you a boy or a girl!??". Anyhow, the three of us were friends after that. Not Teresa, but I mean Stephanie, John and myself.

** sidenote: By the way, I slapped Teresa Ottofaro across the face outside of Mrs. Hanson's science lab later that year. And no, I did not get into trouble. As she went flying into the science lab holding her cheek, I raced in behind her telling the teacher my backpack accidentally got her across the face. Yeah, likely story. She never said otherwise though, so that was cool.**

Anyhow I am totally diverting from my Ode to Stephanie's Birthday entry. Sorry about that.

Stephanie is getting married in September as well, so we are all excited about that. She has asked Clare to be her flower girl so Clare is VERY excited about that. I am just thankful we live close enough now to be able to go to her wedding, and all the various other things we have planned throughout this summer.

So Stephanie, Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Don't worry about your age, as we will never look our true age and hey, I will always be older (even if it IS by a couple weeks only)!

Here's an older one of Steph and I, celebrating our thirtieth birthdays by eating a wonderful meal at Indian Fields Tavern in Charles City County, Virginia. I am holding the handcrafted/bound book she made for me.

:: 7:15 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets