pelican reasoning
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it's a sea of boxes in the life of this mid~thirties girl!

10 July 2004
Right, so our house is literally a SEA of boxes ~ and we are all drowning in them. The patio is stacked with box upon box and tons of paper. I have to say, these movers LOVED their packing paper and used it to the excessive. They wrapped our shoes individually... IN PAPER. And then for things like my miniature tea sets, they used about five sheets doubled over to protect a plate that is barely two inches long. Needless to say there were alot of trees wasted in our packing.

Thursday they arrived and all I wanted to find by that evening were lamps for Clare's room and her Hello Kitty bedcover. But no amount of scanning the packing lists prevailed so we started to just rip open boxes in her luck. Exhausted we all went to sleep. Yesterday I worked all day, ALL DAY, on the kitchen. It was terrible. I felt badly for Clare who had to basically entertain herself, I didn't want her helping out in there because there are just too many sharp implements, glass/china items, etc. She did well and played her computer games and read. By the time Greg got home at 8.15pm, I had the kitchen complete (except for the hanging of the pot rack which he must do today), so he got ready and we went out for a much deserved meal. At the Outback. It was super yum.

While we were at the Outback we were discussing my age and I asked Greg if I looked my age or looked younger than thirty two. He said I didn't look my age but laughed a little which made me doubt him. So when the young waiter came back to our table to check up on us, I asked him how old I looked. You could tell I put him on the spot and he had to think about it for a second. Greg was embarrased I think but I wasn't, at my age I can ask people whatever I want to, damnit! So he finally says to me, "Mid thirties". Mid thirties?? WHAT!!??!! That would be thirty five-ish. Not that that is old, but do I really look like I could pass for thirty five? On the other hand I felt better, because some idiots out there think I am about twenty one and that is when they see me with Clare. She is seven people. I am NOT twenty one. Anyway, I didn't know if I should be elated or disappointed about the young man's answer. But he did say himself that if Clare was not with us he would have guessed me as being younger. Oh dear.

So after our delicious dinner (anything would have been delicious at that point, I was chicken sandwich at lunch just didn't hold me over well) we headed to Starbuck's for a much needed and deserved coffee. Then home to, yep, unpack. We got Clare's room emptied out although everything is currently on the floors, but that will take no time today to set things straight where they belong. We did finally find her lamps and bedding, of course, so that eased my mind. We got Clare to bed and came downstairs to vegetate for about thirty minutes before we went on to bed.

Since I have had so little coffee the last few weeks, I think that Starbuck's Vanilla Latt� kept me awake all night. Well all morning, seeing how we went to bed at 2am. I gave up by 7.20am and got up, took the doggies out, and here I am. I am positive we can get the house done today...bookcases and books (and we have tons of books), complete our room and bathrooms and break down those blasted boxes. Before the neighbours come over and complain about the eyesore.

:: 8:28 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets