pelican reasoning
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terrier vs. cat

19 September 2004
No, we are not dead or swept away by any torrential rain we experienced the other day as a result from one of those storms. We have been on a nonstop circus, especially the last two weeks. Mostly filled with extremely bad luck and strange occurances. If it was not one thing it was another, including needing to get all the tires replaced on the Jeep which then resulted in Sears losing our Jeep cap cover for one tire....oh, and we all had to get over that horrid cold that was going around. But the very worst thing is our rescue Jack Russell, Seamus, is in doggie jail (AKA the SPCA) because he escaped out the door to chase a ferrell cat and even though Clare and I jumped in the car to track him down, he wound up fighting with a neighbour's cat up the road (who, mind you was not even in it's own yard) and the cat had to go to the vet so the owner woman was really nasty to us and we paid the bill but animal control took him in and now I have to go to court since I am being charged with owning a dangerous animal and "allowing" my dog to run wild with no leash in a leash law area. (I think that is the longest run on sentence I have ever written) To top it off the cat was FINE and released that day (leaving us with a huge bill of $236.09) and then the very same cat who had not a scratch on it DIED three days days later and under closer examination of the bill we saw the vet gave the cat 15 mg of MORPHINE and 50mg of another pain killer. I am convinced Seamus was NOT the cause of this cat's death and the woman has not been satisfied with me paying her bill and even went so far as to call our landlord and complain that we are awful people and own two other "vicious" jack russell terriers (of whom she has never even seen) and stooped so low to have some of her croonies call the landlord and complain about us as well. She also harassed me every single morning last week before work, either standing there pointing at me from across the street and saying hateful things to other neighbours or in Thursday's case, yelling loudly into her phone while within earshot and saying really really awful things about me of which I won't repeat here as I try not to put any "bad" words in my journal. But at this point I don't feel badly for this woman anymore and actually would like to tell her what's what; however have vowed I will not give her the benefit of seeing me upset or knowing she made me upset.


So the impending court date is the 28th of September and the worst they can do is deem Seamus a "dangerous" animal afterwhich he would simply need to be muzzled in public places. But thanks to our lovely catowner neighbour calling our landlord and getting him hyped up with her version, Seamus can't stay with us anymore so hopefully we can find him a good home after this is all said and done. It's terrible really, because we were trying to do the right thing and rescue him in the first place. Poor doggie. We still have no idea how old her cat was or if it had any underlying health issues. Others agree with me, the morphine was uneccesary and could have been a factor in it's death. Believe me, our terriers have strong hunting instincts and if Seamus meant to kill that cat he would have broken it's neck in a second. There was not even a drop of blood spilled from the incident.

Needless to say it has been a stressful two weeks and we have tried to visit him at the SPCA as much as possible. Thankfully the SPCA here is brand new and very clean and the staff are wonderful. They think the entire thing is ridiculous and said they would take very good care of Seamus for us.

Another issue which kills me is the fact all these neighbours purposely let their dogs run loose minus a leash and they get away with it. Here our dog ran out the door in a split second and any other time they are ALWAYS on leashes because, well, they are terriers and I don't trust them outside...they will chase anything. So the officer who made such a big deal about us being in a "leash law" area needs to come down here and charge all these other people who break that law on a daily basis.

Poor Seamus...there have been alot of tears shed over this lately from all of us. One good thing is our landlord is tired of being bothered by the neighbours and said he understood if we wanted to move. Which we are seriously considering.

My co-workers were so sweet to me about this situation, they have been so attentive and caring towards us, it has been very much appreciated. I just love my fellow museum folk! They have let me vent as needed so I wouldn't be so upset. And they even raised a bit of money to help replace what we wasted on that vet bill. Of course that made me cry even more, having fellow pet lovers be so kind towards us.

Anyhow, aside from this major incident and various other small issues, I have barely had time to turn on the computer. Right now the big thing this week is Friday; which is Stephanie's wedding. We all have a part in it and I am truly looking forward to this reprieve.

So, anyone out there want a loving and wonderful Jack Russell??!

:: 9:05 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets