pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

happiness all around

11 October 2004
I think these days I am functioning on auto pilot. I am exhausted beyond belief but still keep going, and going, and going. As though things are not busy enough on the homefront, work has become a literal zoo with many visitors (this month it is mostly folks of the retired age but we get random school kids too, like today...90 little fourth graders at once) and much research abounding. I live in a virtual 18th century tavern since anything related to that topic is bouncing around in my mind at any given moment. My brain is definitely on overload, hence the lack of entries here. There is so much I want to say, especially in honour of those close to me; but I have instead opted to be "bad" ~well, ok busy~ and neglected everyone and their recent accomplishments.

First off there is Stephanie, who finally tied the knot with Drake on the 24th of September. We are ecstatic for them and wish for many years of ongoing happiness. Thanks, guys, for having us as part of your wedding, we had such a great time. Especially Clare. Everyone at the reception commented that Clare was having the most fun it seemed. She is such the social butterfly.
Ande & Stephanie

All dressed up for the big wedding!

And for allowing us to visit on no notice at all, kudos to Anna and Jim and the felines. Seeing you all is always special and entertaining, and non-stop conversation. We love you guys.

Clare with Godmum Anna

And a really belated note to the Schwing clan, because they had a new addition in July. Maia was born three months ago and I finally got to see her live and up close in September while we were in town for the wedding. Maia is so cute, just like her brother. Well done guys!
It's me!! Holding Maia~

This past weekend we went to an art opening for a very old friend, Dave Moore. His art rules and he has done quite well for himself. We also met his super cool girlfriend Michele, who had an open house of her Yoga Studio that very evening also. I met Dave in high school and since we had the same last name, some people thought we were brother and sister. He introduced me to good music back in the 1980's, and I thank him for that, as well.

And last, but not least, I just found out this evening that one of my closest friends, Elizabeth, is going to be a Mommy. She and Andrew are thrilled to bits, and I must say I am every bit as thrilled as they are. She and I have this kind of psychic intuition with one another, and I knew, I mean I really KNEW she was going to tell me this very news weeks ago. We had been so busy we hadn't had time to catch up with one another. So we got to spend some phone time tonight chatting about baby names. I'm hoping I can keep her sold on Irish names. Of course. (But names such as Kunte Kinte and Lemonjello were tossed around, too)

Loads more going on in the world of Ande, but time permits me to write but so much and keep the rest for another time. Right now I think I can actually get into bed and get some rest. This is going to be one loooong week.

:: 9:33 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets