pelican reasoning
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saturday & sunday...and on to monday...

18 October 2004
Oh dear! As if last week was not busy enough at the museum, I came in Saturday to help with our hectic bus schedule then filled in for my co-worker on Sunday who had a nasty respiratory bug and was in no shape to talk to anyone. Today, Monday, I was right back at my "home away from home". Or I should say my "18th century home".

At any rate, Greg and Clare popped in on Sunday to say hi while I was running around in a frenzied state, so I got to sit down for all of two seconds while this photo was taken.

It was really quite chilly on Sunday, hence the cape.

This is how I found my entire family late Saturday night, when we all should have been in bed asleep. They obviously fell asleep while I was trying to get some household things done before bedtime...this was around midnight.

I love how Aoife is laying upside down in this particular shot.

Tomorrow I get a slight break as I am doing some work from home on the computer. So I get to play hermit from the throngs of touring folks. However, I have court ~ YET AGAIN~ at 9am. This dog issue has been stretched way out of proportion and I wish they would just give it up already. Poor Seamus has been down at the SPCA for a month and we keep having to put up with that insane, bitter neighbour who makes our life hell whenever we step out of the door. I am sure she will show up again in court tomorrow, why I don't know, but I am ready to just say what's on my mind this time around. If I can just get the judge to not deem this terrier dangerous we will be able to find a new home for him. Otherwise, there is a very real possibility we will need to put him down. That very thought, each time it enters my mind, makes me so emotional I get teary. He doesn't deserve that. He is not dangerous nor vicious. Wouldn't most dogs chase a cat given the opportunity?

We will just have to see what tomorrow shall bring.

:: 3:43 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets