pelican reasoning
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snow, sickness and a case of winter blahs

03 February 2005
I have a quick moment to update with an entry of the state of our current affairs. I must say, things are rather blah-ish.

Clare has become progressively more congested this week, and it all came to a head this morning. By the time I collected her from school, she was just downright sick. Poor kid. I hate to see her having such sinus difficulties. This time around it seems to be the sinus infection/fever/cold combo. I feel guilty since I know she inherits this condition from me. Stupid immune system disease!

The snow started again this morning, at 7.45am precisely. I think it looks pretty, but driving around and getting out and about presents other issues. Especially when people cannot drive when it is dry, sunny and a steady 75F around here.

I didn't have a pleasant start to my day, mainly due to lack of coffee. I didn't bother fixing any this morning, thinking I could treat myself to perhaps a Starbucks. That was a no- go, so I found myself at the weekly staff meeting in work having a serious case of caffeine withdrawals. Then I found myself with my nose stuck in the computer...ALL DAY LONG. Writing up the bi-monthly calendar proved to be a bigger task than I had imagined, and it was worsened by the fact that various staff members were not providing me with their information for the calendar which I began to remind them about no less than a month ago. The situation lost all control when I received numerous e-mails from our Intern who took it upon herself to do a weekend full of Earth Day Weekend activities in April, then didn't want to "flesh out the details" of these programmes since she was "swamped with school". Yep, that's why I initially said we should skip the weekend chock full of activities, especially seeing how I already had some Earth Day things lined up at other times of the month. I was then told, TOLD by this Intern that I cannot provide age ranges for these programmes on the calendar because she had to come up with specifics for this recycled papermaking workshop. Sorry, our museum policy is commonly known that items on our calendars provide parents with all info, including ages, especially since these are pre-registered type programmes. Since when do Interns tell real employees what to do? Especially employees who are working with a deadline?

Needless to say I was not a happy camper. And staring at a computer for several hours in a row did nothing but make my head swim and make me grumpy. As though you can't tell that from my complaints!

At least that calendar is finished and I can get back to the organising and planning of this huge event in March. Which I might add, the same Intern had obligated to helping with this and then emailed me, no less, to inform me she was instead going to France for that date. When did calling your place of employment (or internship, as in this case) become obsolete and emailing become the preferred mode of communication to your work superiors?

Clare is in her room putting her pajamas on and singing to the dogs. She has a knack for putting me in better spirits.

Besides my endless wishing of warm weather, a sick ~yet surprisingly un-grouchy~ seven year old and snow still steadily falling outside, perhaps a nice pot of coffee will do nicely in rounding out this insane kinda day.

:: 6:18 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets