pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web

"most boring blog on the web"

05 February 2005
Apparently I am the keeper of the most boring blog on the web. I find it interesting that one of the following IP addresses signed my guestbook with a simple "this is the most boring blob (i assume they meant "blog") on the web". Could it have been the person using:
Or it could have quite possibly

Regardless, I love how people put their two cents worth into your guestbook or notes section and don't even have the nerve to leave you their legitimate contact information.

What DOES justify a site as being interesting and entertaining? I think on the whole, most people write about their daily activities, their opinions, their rants and raves. I never boasted my site as being well-written or fascinating or brilliant. I write when I have time because I like to share events in my life with those I, I enjoy writing.

I guess I can now taut my site as being THE most boring site on the web. So where's my award?

:: 3:35 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets