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mmm, waffles

08 February 2005
It's a shame when you are sick and you cannot even enjoy the unseasonably warm February weather that has gone as high as 65F. I got to get out and about in the sunshine for about fifteen minutes earlier. A previous museum volunteer who works for City Hall had in her possession two boxes of baby food jars her sister was going to throw away. I told her I could surely use them for various projects around the museum, notably summer camps. So that was my big outing. I wish we had windows in our offices.

I actually went into work today feeling miserable and intending to stay an hour or two in order to play catch up since I was out yesterday. But I wound up being there till 3 p.m. Not forced, mind you, purely by choice, but things had a way of piling up and being the obsessive worker I am, I just had to get the majority of it completed. I got a lecture of sorts from my boss about coming into work sick and with that I simply said, "I won't be in tomorrow".

So that means I can have a leisurely day, sort of. At least no rushing to get Clare ready for school. Since there is no priest available to do Ash Wednesday Mass at school (go figure, it's a Catholic School), we parents were told we could bring our child (or children) to any scheduled Masses throughout the day at our own churches and the kids would be "excused". Clare and I will go to the 8am Mass at our church. Then I will take her on to school. And then, most likely, instead of resting as I *should* be doing ~after all I am sick~ I will work from home and make some calls to try and pick up the pieces from where a couple exhibitors bowed out of the big event in March. Gotta find some replacements. And try to NOT think about tomorrow being the Intern's day at the office and the possibility she is sitting at my desk rummaging through my things and using my computer. Geez. I noticed a bad habit of hers has become one of my pet peeves. She has this habit of picking her teeth with her fingers. And then touching things. Really, really weird.

Speaking of work, while I was hanging up laminated photos and short bios of famous African Americans for Black History Month in our Art Studio, I heard this child crying, but in a strange muffled way. Since we get alot of toddlers during the day, and therefore we tend to hear lots of crying and yelling, I didn't think much about it. I got Dred Scott put in place, then Sojourner Truth and Jackie Robinson. The crying continued. I didn't go to investigate, after all, the parents were there and if it were something awful they would come get us, right? Well I tidied up my desk and got my bag and walked to the door to leave and noticed two of my co-workers in the 18th century cabin we have inside the museum. Looking up at the ceiling. Apparently some kid, maybe two years old, had climbed up in the loft and gotten his head stuck in the gate next to the wall. Lovely. He finally got un-stuck and he stopped crying and all was well with the world. Somehow it didn't even phase me that it happened, museums are a weird sort of place and the things I have seen happen over the years are just incredible. And stupid. And bizarre. But what amazed me was that the mother (the parents were very young) didn't seem too excited or worked up. I, myself would be FRANTIC. Of course, I would never have let a two-year-old Clare climb up a ladder, unsupervised, into the loft of a cabin.

At any rate I am home and we spent a good chunk of time finishing make-up work Clare had been assigned. All in all, a productive evening. Greg is stuck at the Academy since they had a night class tonight, something about using radar. He should be back tomorrow evening after day classes.

Rather than going to bed like smart people who are tired and sick should do, C and I are having a night-time snack of waffles. Even though I can't taste too much right now, it still sounds tasty.

Waffles are calling, indeed!

:: 9:20 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets