pelican reasoning
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tired tired tired!!!!

12 July 2005
Tired. Very, very tired. Basically, aside from working at my ultra-awesome-new job Monday through Friday, I am running around like a mad woman getting Greg to and from work. Very thankful we don't have school to add to the mix right now.

Sharing one vehicle is plainly no fun at all. I feel like I no sooner get to bed at some ungodly late hour, then I am up and awake at an ungodly early hour, getting myself ready, waking the family and having them rush me into town for work. Then they come way back out to the house, do what they have to while I am at work, then come back into town at 3 o'clock. I leave work, drop Greg off at the P.D., Clare and I do errands or whatever then it's the trek back out to the house in the country. Get the usual household stuff finished up and no sooner is that done we then must turn back around and drive into town YET AGAIN to pick Greg up from work at 11.45pm, hoping he has made no arrests or had some other calamity which will hold him up thirty minutes to an hour or later, forcing us to wait in the Jeep.

Now do you all understand why we have been dying to move back into the city? (aside from the pleathera of buggy delights out here alongside utter-scary-pitch-darkness as soon as the sun sets, but that's another story)

I am having a hard time staying awake and functioning at work with about four hours of sleep. And I think the Jeep is unhappy making three separate trips into town which rounds out to be 44 miles to and from on each trip, making a grand total of 132 miles each day. That's alot of wasted time when we could all be doing something more entertaining than sitting in the car.

At any rate, we found a darling house in the city that has been completely remodelled. We love it. It is one mile from Clare's school. It is 1.5 miles to the Police Department. And it is only five miles from the school where I now work. I am utterly thrilled beyond belief. Especially when we estimated we have spent about $290 in gasoline last month. I have never filled up a vehicle's tank as often as I have since May. We are talking every day or day and a half. That's mental.

This week is going to be a rush of daily box collecting, packing and re-organising. Those of you who know me also know that I must be an expert packer/mover by now. Actually it's not a matter of moving for the convenience factors at all; I simply want to see if I can break my record of packing, moving and unpacking all within a time frame of 9 days. Ha.

Now that we will be back in civilisation again, summer will be much nicer. We will have more time to relax and actually DO things. Right now we just can't go jump in the car and go ice skating, for example, on a whim. It takes strategic planning and time and petrol and driving. There is a lovely brand new brick patio being constructed out back of the house as I type, and I envision alot of backyard patio time. Including some bbq's before summer's end.

If I can just get through the rest of this week on little to no sleep, the rest will be a breeze.

:: 7:19 p.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets