pelican reasoning
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lots and lots of chocolate...

23 March 2006
I am trying very hard to not indulge during the Lenten season. Not that I am Queen of Snacks by any means, but I do love chocolate. And that seems to be my one, big vice.

Occasionally I have a pint or a nice glass of wine if we go out for a meal, but by no stretch of the imagination do I "drink". I don't smoke. I do not, nor have I ever, indulged in drugs. So when things get a bit dodgy or stressful, or deadlines approach for shall we say in this instance, a big grant, I need some chocolate.

When we lived in Ireland I used to consume approximately two to three chocolate bars a day. I would run next door to the newsagent, buy some sweets and have them at my disposal should things take a turn for the worst. Or if things got stressful. Or whatever. The thing about sweets in Ireland, and Europe for the most part, is that the chocolate is lovely. And not full of such bad things as our American chocolates are. Didn't hurt that I walked about ten miles a day it seemed between bus stops throughout the city. But here folks, in the good old U.S. of A., I really have to mind my chocolate intake. The sweets are full of bad things. I drive everywhere so am at massive risk to gain weight should I indulge in two to three chocolate bars daily. And I imagine it's not so great for your skin, what with our additives and preservatives.

My point is, I gave up chocolate bars for Lent. I knew I simply could not get through forty days without coffee, I would literally be a walking zombie. My family would have to drop me off in the National Forest for the duration because I would just need to hibernate and do nothing more without coffee. So chocolate it was. And right now I really want some. There is a vending machine downstairs from the Police Department here in the Town Hall. It has been sending subliminal messages to me all day long. I have been good, I have not succumbed. After all the fourth Sunday of Lent is nearly upon us, if I can go this far I can carry on.


So I am sitting here in work with a bowl of ice cream. My co-workers in the front office wanted some sundaes from a newly opened restuarant around the corner. Upon going there to purchase the sundaes they were told the fudge, etc needed to make the sundaes has not been opened yet. So they came back with Breyer's ice cream. Suffice to say, it'll have to do until Easter.

:: 1:43 p.m. ::
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before these :: crowded streets