pelican reasoning
welcome to ande's wee corner of the web surprising

23 March 2006
Right, so I stumble across this State Quiz-a-ma-bob and what do you know, I just so happen to be Colorado. I don't think anyone out there knows quite how we have been plagued by that state since the day we left it. It haunts us daily with such an enticing lull...come back...come back. I swear to you we get no less than three signs of it daily. Often times than not, it comes in the form of a Colorado state license plate. Something we never ever saw on the East Coast in years past. Sometimes we feel like we should just chuck it all and give in and make that trek back out West.

You're Colorado!

You really enjoy getting high. Even though it's often a lot of work, the
view from the top is almost always worth the effort. Your distance from others makes
your relationship with them rather rocky at times, but they do look up to you. Be very
careful around schools. And stop being quite so focused on the number 5,280!

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

:: 10:05 a.m. ::
:: comment ::
before these :: crowded streets